chapter five

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there was no school today due to some enviromental check up that had to be done so i woke up later than usual,which was only 9am. it's crazy but am not ever a late sleeper even if i go to bed late. i decided to clean my room and do some laundry,while i was doing that i put my ear phones in my ear and listened to my new favourite song sledgehammer by fiffth harmony.

i was so drowned out by the music that i didn't realise when my name was being called,until i felt someone tap my shoulder. when i turned around i saw mathew standing their.

i took my ear phone's out of my ear's an turned to him. what are you doing here? i asked.

well that's not the question you should be asking, what you should ask me is what i have in my hand.

i looked at mather puzzled by his comment until i looked in his hand.

my eye's grew wide and i starded at him with a horrified look on my face,their in his hand was my underwear that just came out of the dryier.

mathew give that back right now.

if you want it back your gonna have to chatch me,mathew said with a smirk on his face, and he ran off soon after.

i chased him and noticed that he was heading straight for the living room,i heard voices but i was too consentraiting on my current mission.

while i was running i realised that i may not catch him fast enough so i did the next best thing, i jumped on him and tackled him to the floor,i got the upper hand because i was pretty sure that he didn't expect it.

chloe what are you doing, i turned to the direction where the voice was coming from,ebbarasing enough my brother was sitting there looking at me with a confused expression and trust me that was not even the worst part because right next to him was mr.parks and he didn't look the least bit pleased with my situation infact he was glaring at mathew and not in the least friendly way. 

but before any of them could notice i got the underwear out of mathew's hand and all he did was erupt in laughter.

urrrrhhhhhhhhhggggg you perverted jerk,i said while getting off of mathew. you better find someone else to help you i stated irritation dripping from my voice.

can someone explaine to me what's going on,my brother said.

well i took chloe's pa.....

before mathew could complete his sentence i covered his mouth with my hands.

it's nothing,we were just playing,i said while backing up the stairs to the direction of my room and dragging mathew along with me. when we finally reached my room i uncovered his mouth.

i put my underwear in the draw and got my maths tools ready.

i got right into the tutoring with mathew and in an hour and a half we were finished for the session.

i took up my things and packed them away in my book shelf.

he likes you, you know that right.

i looked over to mathew and saw that he was slowching on my chair,with a smirk on his face.

what are you talking about? i asked.

come on don't pretend that you don't know what am talking about.

i looked at him with a confused look on my face and repeated my earlier question.

whaw you're rely densence you know that, i'm talking about mr.parks, he likes you.mathew said to me.

no. he dosen't,an why would he like me anyways.

chloe you're not ugly.

i never said that i was.

well you may not see it now but you'll find out soon enough, and by the way i know that you like him too.

what i do not he's our teacher and that's against the rules, plus i also have a boyfriend i stated.

Yeah the one you havent seen in three months and come on that will be the thrill of the relationship in the first place, ok answere this one question. did you see the way he was looking at me when you were on top of me?

well yes but......

no that was the end of the question now lets go down so that i can work my magic.

what magic and more importantly what are you working it on.

that's for me to know and you to find out mathew said with a smirk on his face, the third one for the day.

when we got into the living room i only saw my brother lucas.

lucas where is mr.parks/i asked.

he went to the basement to check something out.

hey chloe why don't you go check and see if he needs anything mathew stated with a mischevious glint in his eye's. dispite his behaviour i thought i a good idea to do so and i went.

the room looked alittle bit dark. i thought to my self.

mr.parks are you down here,i called aloud three time.

i was about to call for the last time, when suddenly i was pushed up against a wall and without any warning i felt soft lips press against mines. the kiss started to get aggressive by the secound and i felt the amazing sparks like fireworks going off in my head, but i only problem was, i stood still frozen even by the move mr.parks made,i had never experienced this before not even with Kaleb,thing about that I was brought back to reality and pushed him away.  i had know idea what else  to do because i was completely sure that he was no virgin to this.

am so sorry this was a big mistake,mr.parks said and without any warning he left me standing with a confused and guilty heart.

i ran back to the living room and saw that mr.parks had left and mathew and my brother were looking at the tv clueless to what occured only a minute ago.

i felt hurt and i was completely against the idea of going to bed in this condition so i did the only things i thought was best i went over to ryan's house to confront him.

i was batteling against myself in my mind with the dicission i was about to make.

i knocked on the door two time and the door flew open with a distraughted looking ryan. sexy i thought to myself.

how dear you do something like that and then say it was a mistake and leave,do you know what that does to a person? i asked in rage while poking my hands on his chest with every poke we ended up in the living room.

ryan stood there and glarred at me and it was very intimidating,i started to regret my dicission.

how dear me what,i already told you that it was a mistake, now why don't you go back over their to your lover boy am sure he's missing your company. and you should have nothing to worry about it's not like you kissed me back so it's not like your cheating.

by this point i was backed up against the wall and he was so close that i could feel his hot breath fanning my face, my heart was racing rapidly and although i felt intimidated i was turned on by his dominant side.

The direction that my thoughts were leading to I realized that coming over here was a big mistake and it made me feel even more guilty.

chloe i think you should go home your brother is probably worried about you, he stated simply as if we didnt just have a heated argument, and with that i did exactly what he said i went home .

should i rely be falling for my teacherHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin