"it's a pleas-"

"aunt K!" kit spun around just in time to see a brown-haired little boy flying at her, dropping to her knees just as he slammed into her, their arms immediately wrapping around each other in a tight hug "oh carl sweetheart, I'm so happy your ok" fight her tears, carls stepping back little tears running down his face, kit whipped them away " hey now big guy don't cry, I'm ok, you're ok. is your dad?..." she hesitated to finish, but a giant smile relieved her to no end "he got here yesterday we thought he died"

"nothin' could kill your daddy. He's too stubborn for that," she said, smiling teasingly, making carl laugh a little, agreeing. She spotted Lori a few feet away, shifting. They gave each other a nod in acknowledgment before she looked back to carl.

"I should have known," Shane teased, walking up to them "don't be jealous, Shane. It's just cause I'm the best," she said, grinning, making carl laugh at shanes mock offense "ain't that right small fry?" she asked carl his laughter cutting through the air. 

"I missed you, aunt k."

"I missed you too, sweetheart; come on, where's your dad? I gotta kick his butt."

"he went out to get a guy they left behind," he said, pouting. She peeked at Lori to see her fidgeting and chewing on her nails.

"carl, look at me" he did so but still pouted, "your daddy will come back. wanna know why?"

"Why? "he mumbled

"cause your dad loves you too much to let anything stop him.....he's like a cockroach," carl scrunched up his eyebrows, Shane and Lori stifling their laughs. 

"did you just call my dad a bug?" he asked, laughing

"yes, I did ain't nothing killing a cockroach. I'm telling you short stack, one of these days, you'll be calling him daddy cockroach, forget all that papa bear nonsense," she said grinning 

"no way!" carl protested, laughing, his spirits lifted again

"miss Adams, I don't mean to be a bother, but would you mind taking a look at Jim. he was off earlier digging grave-like holes and wouldn't stop, had to end up restraining him," dale asked kit stood up dusting off her knees removing the pebbles that dug into her knees 

"absolutely, let me grab my bag, carl. I have a bag just for you too," she said before turning back to Shane, who had his hand on his hips "deputy, I would like to unrepo my car," she scoffed before chuckling, "come on, you two" carl grabbed kits hand as they walked to her car, opening the passenger door she grabbed her med bag and carls, shutting the door turning to him. 

"Alright, so there are clothes, toys, and your comics. Oh, and I tossed in your chocolate bar stash I found," she said, handing it to him with a raised brow carl just smiled back sheepishly, "can I share with Sophia and my other friends?"

Sure. Wait, Sophia? carl grimes do you have a little lady friend?" she smirked a little carls cheeks turned red "she's just a friend," he laughed 

"better be mister, your young for that, run along" she nodded carl hugged her again before running off. kit turned back to Shane, leaning against the car with a small smile "wanna show me where my patient is?"

"can I just enjoy you for a minute?"

"mmm, no, especially if you have that man restrained. But if you give me a really good apology later, I might just be obliged to play doctor on you." a small seductive resting on her lips and a raised brow. he bit his lip, chucking, stepping away from her jeep 

"Right this way, doctor" he led her over to a tree where dale was already waiting with a man tied to it sitting on the ground.

"Seems a little extreme, don't it, boys?" the man she assumed was Jim chuckled "hello Jim, my name is Kit Adams. I'm a doctor; I'm just gonna check you out, alright?" he nodded kit began running thru all the basics with her tools eyes, temp, throat, lungs and heartbeat all normal with some signs of dehydration and sun exposure.

"Alright, Jim, wanna tell me what happened" "why were you digging?"

"I had a reason but don't remember. I dreamt it last night" she gave him a warm smile nodding. 

"Well, Jim, it sounds like you have a case of oneirophrenia."

"what's that?" Shane asked; kit stood.

"its confusion mostly lacks the ability to distinguish between reality and dream. A dreamlike state of consciousness is usually used to describe it. My guess is he dreamt of people dying, making him think he needed to give them a burial, thus the digging. But as all dreams do, it went away, but by the time that happened, prolonged sun exposure and dehydration had already set in, so he just never stopped, mind still confused with only one goal in mind. Digging." she stated, then saw everyone's dumbfounded expressions. "he's fine. You can cut him loose, but you need more water."

"yes, ma'am," he said as dale cut the rope.

"I hope you understand why we did what we did, Jim. no hard feelings," Shane said 

"there's not; I get it. "Jim gave him an understanding smile

"okay," Shane chuckled, "why don't you come join in with the rest of us? big ol' fish fry."

"I'd like that very much" "good," Shane said, standing again, wrapping an arm around kits waist, leading her away, carl taking the chance to latch onto her hand again "have I told you lately how much I love your mind" he whispered in her ear. "its cause I'm the best" she teased softly as carl led them around introducing his aunt to everyone.


The Shane relationship is important to character development. 

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