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Kitten sat in her house, bored out of her mind and had no one to talk to. She missed her boyfriend, nephew and best friend. She didn't know if any of them were even alive with all the dead walking about devouring everything living; she barely even made it out of the city limits when they started dropping bombs. She was worried the most for rick. He was in a coma. He would have needed a miracle to of survived, she knew Shane would have gotten carl and Lori, but it made her feel guilty. She had blocked them the way she did. She had no clue where they could even be. Luckily for kit, she was just thankful the house she had signed for and moved into a couple of days before everything went to hell was outside the city enough to where she was safe-ish. She has only had a few stragglers but being alone was easy to be quiet and not attract their attention; her penthouse would have been a very different story. 

She had heard rumors that a refugee camp was going to be set up, but after the bombs, she wasn't sure if it would even be around anymore. This possibility alone had been bugging her for weeks trapped inside her own home, and she had been trying to talk herself into going. She was a doctor; after all, it was in her nature to help, but she also wasn't stupid. She knew most people would be inhuman, now some even barbaric. That's what happens in mass panic situations; kill or be killed, and the need for survival will only solidify that. But she needed to go; she had to. She packed her belongings, keeping it light and thoughtful, into the back of her hard-top jeep, her pantry, camping gear, her small arsenal, and a bag of carls stuff that he leaves at her house for his visits in case she finds him. Then getting dressed in shorts and a white tank top, silently thanking herself for getting her body hair permanently removed a couple of years back. Strapping her tiffany blue Glock in a holster to her thigh and a knife in the one attached to her belt. Taking a deep breath, she got into her car, opening and closing her garage manually in case she needed to come back. After driving a couple of miles and turning onto the highway 85 towards town, she only made it a couple more before she had to slow to a stop when an older man and woman were flagging her down, a couple of vehicles and tents a little ways away. Kit unclipped her gun in case and flicked off the safety knowing she already had one in the chamber. rolling down her window, they walked a little closer to the car "cant go in the city. It's overrun," the woman said 

"refugee center?" kit asked, any hope she had diminishing

"long gone, honey," the older man said, a solemn look on his face 

"shit," kit mumbled, taking a deep breath and looking down. "I'm a nurse. Is there anyone here I can assist before going on my way?" she asked, looking back to them before they could answer, and a voice came from behind them

"kitty cat?" the two stepped aside, revealing Shane. Kit leaped out of the car as quickly as she could, almost hitting the other two with her car door, wasting no time jumping on him like a koala. Tears were filling her eyes.

"I thought I lost you, Lil Bird," he mumbled into her neck, his voice cracking.

"I'm sorry," she cried. 

"shh shh, baby girl, I got you. I'm here, "trying to get her to calm, just basking in the feeling of having her in his arms again, almost feeling like this was just a dream; after a few more seconds, he set her back on her feet, barely pulling away though. "where have you been kitty I sent someone to the apartment, and you weren't there?"

"I got that house I had been talking about and was able to move in just before everything went to shit," she said awkwardly; they weren't talking at the time, so he wouldn't have known the deal went thru. Shane clenched his jaw but cradled her face anyway.

"you ain't leaving again, kitty, not now, you understand me?" he said sternly. Kit only nodded in reply "good girl; now I'm gonna moved your car; you stand over by the RV," he instructed, kissing her forehead. when she walked over to the RV, she noticed the two people from earlier "I'm kitten Adams but everyone usually just calls me kit." she introduced herself, sticking out her hand with a warm smile. "I'm dale," shaking her hand, "Jacqui" doing the same.

Don't Fear The Reaper (R. Grimes & D. Dixon)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang