Fishy//Chapter 7

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All might told me not to tell a single soul about his relationship with Izuku.

Bakugo just thought that Izuku was lying...


It's been two days ever since the news reporters came to visit our school after knowing that All might was teaching in UA...

It forced UA to activate a barrier at the front of the school gate to prevent the reporters from asking anymore or attempting to rush into our school.

Today is also the day we elect for a class president. To be honest, I wasn't really interested in this role. It was quite tedious...

So I just sat back thought hard on who I want as class president.

Definitely not Bakugo since he's an ass.

Kiri is to laid back.

Rin definitely doesn't want to be president. Rin and I literally agree with each other that the role is hard work! So we both voted for Izuku.

In the end Izuku and Yaoyorozu got elected as class president. Poor Ida. He didn't get any votes although he suggested the voting idea.

It was finally lunch time! Uraraka and Ida sat beside each other while Rin, Izuku and I sat across them.

We were all savouring Pro hero, Lunch Rush's cooking and it was still S-tier to me although it was super cheap.

We were talking about ourselves to know each other better and apparently, Ida is rich just like Rin! But we also got to know that his older brother is Ingenium! Ida really looks up to his brother.

Suddenly, an alarm sounded. It said that there was a security breach or something. Everybody started panicking and shoved each other. Rin and I got separated in the crowd. I bumped into Bakugo unfortunately...

I mouthed a quick 'sorry' before trying to push through the crowd but a rough hand tugged at my arm forcefully. Pulling myself towards whoever is pulling me. The sudden hand disappeared and a muscular arm wrapped around my waist. I thought it was Kirishima but to my surprise it was Bakugo...

I just stared wide eyed at him. Blinking twice to see if I'm hallucinating. He just let out a soft 'Tch' and pushed my face away, still holding me firmly in his grasp.

"Get your sweaty hands off me!", I spoke, trying to pull myself away from the teenager I strongly disliked.

He didn't loosen his grip at all! In fact he tightened it and not retort any snarky comebacks. That's so not Bakugo!!

This is weird! Am I being held by an imposter? Please let this weird situation end...
Please let this weird nightmare end!

Just then I heard a familiar voice yelling among the crowd, attempting to calm down the distressed students. It was Ida!

I guess the rich kid got some leading skill. His arms are a little to stiff. It makes him seem like an actual exit sign...

We all gathered safely in our class with Bakugo finally letting me go in the process. Thank god that was over!

Izuku wanted Ida to be class president because he thinks the role suits him better than it does for him. Especially since, Ida's actions back at the cafeteria was really brave of him. So the whole class agreed to appoint Ida as the new class president.

Ida honestly does deserves the president position.

But something kept bugging me though...
How did the reporters pass our security system so easily. This is UA we're talking about! Something doesn't feel right....

Just then someone outside, lurking on school grounds could only snicker at the plan he's plotting.


Author's note :

Sorry if this chapter is to rushed. I didn't really know how to portray chapter 12. Nonetheless, I hoped you liked it! If I missed out anything please let me know about it in the comments! Bye<3

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