Protecting//Chapter 4

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Y/n's POV :

Me and Rin looked worriedly at Izuku's direction he seems to be way behind of everyone right now...

He was super sweaty and he looked increasingly anxious after every test.

It was Zuku's turn to throw the ball. Suddenly, Aizawa sensei started degrading Izuku making him feel worse. Rin looked like she was about to throw hands.

Trust me Rin I want to do that too...

Suddenly, Izuku tossed to the ball his hardest using his quirk proving everyone wrong. I looked up in awe. He never failed to impress me.

"Zuku! You did great!", I called out to him cheering him on.

He looked flustered at the fact I called him 'Zuku' infront of everybody.

Rin just eased the tension by cheering him on. Soon after, Uraraka, Ida and some blonde french looking dude commented positively at his actions.

Bakugo looked super surprised but in an unpleasant way...

He charged at Izuku at high speed. Rin just pushed me forward instinctively using her quirk to push me faster towards him.

Once I've reached the danger zone, I tackled the blonde dog to the ground. Putting him in a head lock!

"Stop trying to pick a fight for once!"




Just then, Aizawa sensei split us apart scolding us for our inappropriate actions. We just glared at each other stalking off to opposite directions.

I then dragged Izuku and Rin along with me. I then proceeded to ask Izuku if his finger was okay.

He just nod and smiled not wanting me to question further. I let him go and stood between my two very best friends.

"Moving along. Time for the results!", Aizawa sensei declared.

Izuku was nervous as hell. So was Ida and Uraraka.

"By the way, I was lying about the expelled part. I just wanted y'all to do your best", sensei added.

A loud 'what' was heard from beside me. The poor trio was really shocked.

Today went by fast. Izuku got his finger fixed by the recovery girl and now, me and Izuku felt hella tired. Rin went home first since her parents were around the area.

They fetched Rin in a super expensive looking vehicle! The luxurious that Rin has is just WOWIE!

"Damn Rin is rich rich now-", I spoke.

One day, I'll become as rich as her!

So then there were two.

Izuku and I decided to walk to my workplace together but eventually Izuku stuck to accompanying me mid way the he'll go home on his own. He was super tired after all. Especially after the amount of energy that he had exerted today.

As we stepped out of school grounds, I suddenly realised that I forgot my notebook in class!

"Zuku! I forgot my notebook in class."

"Need me to wait for you?"

"Nope it's fine Zuku! Go on without me!"

"Okay see you at home! And stop calling me Zuku! It's getting old", Izuku whined.

"Fine, fine. Bye broccoli boy!", I called out rushing back in school.

Izuku just huffed and walked back home. Of course he wasn't alone, he eventually met up with Uraraka and Ida along the way.

After collecting my notebook, I accidentally bump into someone. I really need to pay attention to my surroundings better. I looked up to see... Kiri!

"Funny. We keep on bumping into each other like this", Kiri spoke.

I just laughed it off, apologising for bumping into him again.

"What are you playing Shark boy?"

You looked at his phone. You didn't really know this game existed but honestly it looked interesting.

"You never played apex legends before?"

I just shook my head.

We just walked home together talking for what felt like hours. Talking to Kirishima felt amazing!
We talked for so long that I didn't even realise I reached my workplace already.

"Kiri wait...", I spoke before gripping onto his sleeve causing him to stop.

"This is where I work at", I pointed to the cafe behind me.

"I never knew you had a job here! I started becoming a regular here recently!!", he exclaimed.

"Really??", I spoke with genuine curiousity.

He nodded his head with pure excitement.

"Never knew you actually worked at this miracle place! Why do you work though??"

"You sure you want to know?", I asked cautiously, not wanting him to be uncomfortable with the sudden burden that's going to be unloaded to him.

He nodded again with determined eyes looking in mine.

"Well... At first I did it for fun but after I started living with Izuku and his mom... They helped give me and my brother shelter ever since my dad died and my mom went missing, so I wanted to repay them somehow and be helpful in any way i can...", I explained, feeling the pang of familiar pain.

Kiri suddenly gave me a tight hug, assuring me everything will be alright.

He's just so sweet.

I blushed at the fact we are hugging for so long in the public.

"Umm. Thanks for walking with me Kiri!", I said tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.

(Damn, this is cliche...)

"I like the nickname! Maybe I should call you... Angel? How does that sound???"

Now I'm really flustered!

"Of course! It's really cute"

He smiled at me before waving goodbye, his figure disappearing into the busy crowds.

Today is quite nice...

An unfamiliar warm feeling creeping inside me. I brushed the weird feeling away.

Time to work and do my best!

After hours of hard work, my shift ended and I immediately went home. God, I was exhausted!
When I reached home, I opened the door to be greeted by a pouting Aito.

"Sorry for returning late Aito"

The small child could only huff. He opened his arms waiting for my embrace hug. I lifted him off the ground and cradled him securely in my arms.

He must have really missed me...

I didn't want to lose Aito too. I'll do whatever it takes to protect him!

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