Chapter 3

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"Well, doi. Of course he does! He's a zombie for crikey's sake." Mabel replied.

"Then why are you so okay with touching him and hugging and junk?" Wendy asked.

"Duh, he's my brother Wendy. Of course we hug." Mabel replied.

"Mabel, he can't be both. Zombies are mindless, zombies will eat you. Zombies will hurt you without reason. Zombies. are. evil." Wendy explained.

"That's racist." Mabel said, reaching for the doorknob to her room.

"At least get him some food first. I'll even come with you." Wendy said.

Mabel sighed. "I dunno... I guess... but I really don't want to leave him..."

"Come on, Mabel. You know Stan can't break your heart. He'll be okay. Dude, we can even put police tape around the door." Wendy said, cheering her up.

"Okay, but we've got to make it quick." Mabel said, her fist hitting the palm of her other hand.

Mabel giggled as they wrapped the entire lobby of the attic in police tape. It was like a maze!

"Ready to go get him some food?" Wendy asked.

Mabel gave her a firm nod. "What should we get him anyways?"

They began walking downstairs. "Probably live food. We should get some already pre-killed meat though." Wendy said.

Mabel held her arm. "Yeah... live animals." She mumbled sadly.

"Mabel, what's wrong dude?" Wendy asked.

"I'm starting to think Dipper being vegan isn't all that bad..." Mabel said, looking up the stairs they just climbed down.

As they walked out of the shack Wendy started talking again. "Yeah, but hey... if you're going to take care of him, he's gotta have the right food, right?"

"Yeah... I... yeah." Mabel said.

"My dad likes food the freshest possible, so I know where we might be able to get some food." Wendy said, already having a place in mind.

Mabel gasped. "He doesn't- uh... y'know... does he?"

"Oh no! no no no, dude. The hunters already do that. My dad wouldn't be able to live with himself if he was forced to look at the fear of his meal before ruthlessly, totally destroying it." Wendy said. "It's best not to think about it."

Mabel shivered. "Do they go... painlessly? Like, quickly?"

"Yeah man. They're not going to like, shoot it in the leg and keep it alive with the burdening pain, making it suffer." Wendy said.

"So...." Mabel said, breaking a small silence. "What are we gonna get for my broski?"

"We're going to see if there's anything live first. I'm pretty sure brains only count when they're alive. Hopefully he likes squirrel." Wendy said. "Or rabbit."

"We can't give him bunnies! That will only make Stan think he's evil like any other zombie." Mabel complained. "Also, they're bunnies. You can't hurt a bunny or send it to it's doom on purpose!"

"On purpose?" Wendy questioned.

Mabel sighed. "Yeah... Little Einstein just looked so... unfree in his cage. Judging that the cage was in the treehouse... I probably shouldn't have let him go there."

"Woa-" Wendy gasped, but was interrupted.

"That's how we met SparkleTrain. He didn't like Dipper... So instead keeping him to replace Little Einstein, Dipper gave the lil kitty to me." Mabel replied.

"Wow. That must've been tough on Dipper." Wendy said, surprised something so... terrible would happen to... "How old were you?"

"10, but Dipper took it well. He was never too afraid of death. I mean, we had a mini funeral and he was sad for a day... he loved that bunny. I always found it weird how uncaring he acted on it though..."

"Maybe it was his way of dealing with that kind of situation or something." Wendy said. "Also, I was joking about the rabbit."

Mabel smiled. "Yeah, I know."

"Right here." Wendy said as she walked into a store. There was a man with black hair being kept in a ponytail on the other side of the counter. "Buenos dias Jorge."

"Buenos dias Wendy. What are you here to buy? What is your ginormous father craving today?" Jorge asked.

"Hi Jorge! It's not for her father. It's for my lil' Brobro!" Mabel smiled.

"Yeah, he's looking for something... fresher than usual." Wendy explained.

"Fresher? I suppose I can let ya look at what live foods we got. We've recently purchased some livestock. It's your lucky day." Jorge smiled. He opened the door leading outside behind the door. "We've got a few pigs in, some weird mutated cow and a potato."

"Aren't you cute." Mabel said as she pet the potato jokingly.

"Maybe something a bit smaller Jorge." Wendy said.

"Squirrels? We might have some in the trapping shack, but Angel might have already prepared them. It's no place for young ladies, so I'll be right back." Jorge walked over the fences surrounding the backyard to a small red shack that had deer antlers above the doorframe.

"Hopefully they have some. I'd hate it if we had to give him pig." Wendy said, frowning as she pet one of the adorable oinkers.

Mabel ignored Wendy's comment. They were not giving him pig. What would Waddles think? "Man, this cow is really mutated." She said to change the subject.

"How does something even get this mutated?" Wendy said, smiling as she pet the cow that had a bunch of extra legs growing out of it.

Jorge finally came back with 4 caged squirrels... and a tiny deer as big as the squirrels. "I threw in a deer. Angel found this lil girl deep within the forest, where no one dare ever go. I hope your brother cherishes every bite."

Mabel and Wendy nodded. They made sure to pay Jorge before leaving.

"Stan! Don't!" Mabel yelled as soon as they walked in.

Stan was holding the axe up, getting ready to strike the undead boy, who got lose from Mabel's sweater tying skills. Not her police taping skills though. He was wrapped in police tape.

Dipper stopped advancing to Stan and looked at Mabel. He emotionlessly started limping towards her. "What happened to your leg!" Mabel gasped, running up to her undead brother and hugged him. His ankle snapped.

As soon as she made contact with him, she was pulled away. "Mabel! Be careful! Carnivore, remember?" Wendy said frantically.

"Stan! You hurt him." Mabel said angrily. Her undead brother was limping towards her slowly.

"I swear, I just noticed him! He must've fallen down the stairs." Stan said, in an almost pleading manner.

Mabel snapped her fingers towards the stairs. "Come on Bro, let's go upstairs." She said, glaring at her Grunkle. "Wendy, bring the squirrels."

Wendy shrugged, walking up the stairs behind Dipper.

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