Draco Malfoy x Female OC Smut Request

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This one-shot was requested by the lovely @Katwolves, I hope you enjoy reading it! This one-shot will contain smut, so readers be advised as you step into this story that smut is up ahead! Now, enough of my yammering, let's get to the good stuff, shall we? We shall!

Katy Bug's POV

Who knew that after we'd graduated Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry that I'd get to work at an Auror at the Ministry of Magic? Well, it happened, and I couldn't be happier with my life. That is, I could've been happier if I was with the man of my dreams. Before we go any further, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Katy Bug, and this is the story of how I reconnected with the Slytherin Prince himself at a work party and had the best night of my life.

I sighed as I wandered through the full Ministry Great Ballroom, nursing a glass of champagne and occasionally teasing my after-midnight blue hair. I'd let it cascade down my back for this party since I normally wear it in an updo to keep it away from my wand-work, but that's besides the point. The current point was that I was alone at a work party where all my coworkers were hanging out with their significant others without a care in the world. Sighing, I took a sip of my drink and muttered, "This is going to be a very interesting party if I'm the only one who doesn't have a partner to talk to."

No one came over to me while I drank and I started wondering if I could ever have what some of my colleagues have. To be fair, I didn't really give any other man that much choice of if I was approachable due to my cold exterior, so that was a problem. As I contemplated my life's choice of being single forever, I heard someone ask me, "What're you doing over here in the farthest corners of the party?" I stopped breathing when the voice tickled my ear; I knew that voice! We hadn't spoken since our graduation and I went to work for the Ministry of Magic. What the bloody hell was he doing here after all these years?! I gripped my glass as tightly as I could while Draco whispered, "You're just as beautiful as ever, Katy. How I've missed your dazzling blue eyes and your adorable freckles."

"What're you doing here, Draco? You told me we couldn't be together!" I whisper-yelled at him and tried to not jump out of my forest-green dress in the process. Draco chuckled and I growled, "Don't you dare chuckle at me, Malfoy! You were the one who broke up with me when we were leaving Hogwarts. And you also were the one who told me we'd never see each other again. Therefore, you didn't miss me at all and you're probably looking for a rebound from Pansy or one of your other flings, huh?" My heart was racing a mile a minute when I spoke to Draco just then, but I tried to mask it as much as I could with my strong posture I'd perfected over the years.

Draco, however, asked, "Then why're you shaking like a leaf and white-knuckling the champagne flute in your hand?" I didn't move at first and Draco said, "That's what I thought. Come on, let's talk and dance at the same time." He took my glass out of my hand, handed it to a nearby waiter, and then pulled me toward the dance floor with no regard for my adamant protests against the idea. He got us onto the middle of the floor and pulled me against his chest, forcing me off balance slightly and muttering, "Try not to step on my feet while we do this, please."

I didn't speak as a waltz floated around us and I somehow forgot what time was. This normally happened when I danced with anyone because I loved to dance, but it was especially memorable whenever I danced with Draco. Time just seemed to stop around us and I blushed while keeping my eyes on my feet so as to not step on his own; whenever Draco and I danced, I was the biggest klutz around. However, I felt Draco's thumb move my head up and I met his eyes, which prompted me to ask, "Why'd you do that? Don't you like your feet?"

He nodded and answered, "I do, but you're thinking about it too hard. Focus on me and let me lead you through the dance." I couldn't stop the nod leaving my body as Draco smiled at me and effortlessly lead me through the waltz without a care in the world for where our feet were going. I somehow even surprised myself and didn't step on his feet once! How I did that was beyond me and Draco stated, "I wasn't kidding about missing you earlier, Katy. It took every single ounce of courage I had to come over here to talk to you after I got the job working with the Minister."

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