Hermione Granger Catch-Up Preferece

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When I looked through the book and realized I didn't have Hermione in the preference with the Golden Trio, I knew that had to be fixed. And fixed it shall be! I hope you all enjoy her preference and there will be more preferences and one-shots to come in the near future! Also, if you'd noticed before, I'd put the name of the requestor into the title of their request as I got them done to let them know their story was done. Going forward, I will be changing that format so the requestor's name isn't in the title of the oneshot I write for them so they don't feel uncomfortable in any way; I will still personally message you if you've requested me a story and I've finished it, that part of my process will not change, lovely readers! :) :D Now, Imma shut up, and let's get to the preference!

Your Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw

Your Year when you two started dating: Third year

How you met: You were in the Hogwarts library during your first year of school, doing your Potions homework and not really caring about who was around you and if they were apart of your House. You see, you were a pretty shy kid regardless of what your housemates said otherwise, so you were content with chilling in the library getting your homework done before the deadline if you could. However, someone else had other plans for you one fine Friday afternoon.

You'd finished with a textbook you needed for one of your many Potions assignments and were about to put it away when three kids came barreling through the library with a massive book in their hands, knocking you on your ass and going on their way. Groaning, you rubbed your butt as you tried to stand up only to hear, "Hi there. I'm so sorry about Harry and Ron, they got it in their heads to knock women down when there's something important." You looked up and saw the only girl in that group who'd ran past you smiling at you, her hand held out, and asking, "Are you alright? You're not hurt too badly, are you?"

You blushed, shook your head, and took her hand while she pulled you to your feet. After you were fully upright, you registered what you were doing in the blushing aspect and tried to hide your face while you answered her, "I-I'm fine. That wasn't anything out of the ordinary for me." You internally grimaced at the stutter coming out of your mouth and mentally told your racing heart to calm down so you didn't scare the gorgeous stranger helping you stand upright. She smiled at you and you asked, "If you don't mind my asking, what's so important that you and your friends need to barrel down the library to a table with a huge book in your hands?"

Cute Girl's face dropped at your question and you worried she'd probably run off at the mention of what you'd asked her. You assumed she'd want to talk about it, but now that you really watched her, you realized she'd probably wouldn't want to talk about whatever the hell was going on with her and her buddies; was she dating one of them? You had no idea, but you also knew that now wasn't the time to be focused on if Cute Girl was dating anyone since you'd just met her! However, before you could take back what you'd asked, Cute Girl smiled at you and answered, "If you want, you can come help us out with what we're researching and meet Harry and Ron. They're the two boys who barreled into you earlier that I mentioned."

You blushed despite yourself yet again, nodded, and followed her to her table where the two boys, Harry and Ron, were sitting waiting for her to come back. However, when they saw you standing next to her, they cocked an eyebrow and looked to Cute Girl for advice on what to do. Clearly, they had no clue what to do with you being there and you didn't blame them in the slightest. You waved slowly and said, "Hi there. I'm Y/N Y/L/N, and I'm sorry for intruding on whatever you're doing over here."

Cute Girl was quick to speak for the boys staring at you, saying, "It's alright, Y/N, we need all the help we can get. And before I forget, I'm Hermione Granger. It's nice to meet you, and you're welcome to sit with me and these lunatics anytime you want." You smiled at Hermione and nodded at her, sitting down with her, Harry, and Ron and beginning working on whatever the hell they were researching. But honestly, all you could think about then was the fact that you'd gotten to talk to Hermione for real and that today was the best day of your life.

When you're on your period: When you're on your period, Hermione's usually on her period right at the same time. This was both a blessing and a curse in that you both knew when Mother Nature had stopped by to flip you both off and you also knew to stay as far away from each other as possible when your mood swings were too much for even you two to handle. However, when you two were in the same room together, you'd be in Hermione's lap and snuggled as far into it as you could get, keeping your head in the crook of her neck either while she was reading, doing homework you should've been doing with her, or just sitting on the couch in the common room without a care in the world. She'd also do the same thing to you if your cramps weren't as bad but hers were raging out of control. Harry and Ron also made sure to steer very clear of you two when you were on your period because they didn't want to get in the way of whatever you were planning on doing, and you two wouldn't have it any other way.

How you Kiss: You and Hermione kiss like Voldemort's going to rip you two apart with the Killing Curse. No joke, Ron had to once pull you off of Hermione in your fifth year together because you had to go back to the Ravenclaw common room and get some sleep for a huge test in Potions class. But that's if you two are having to be separated from the kiss. What exactly do you two look like if someone were to find you two kissing? Well, for one, your arms would be around Hermione's neck and hers would be around your waist, pulling you as close to her body as she could without getting either of you hurt in the process. You'd normally start by pecking her nose or any part of her skin you could reach in this position to tease her and try to get her invested in the kiss. Once this mode was engaged, you'd almost pull away from her again enough to tease her, but she'd catch you and pull your lips atop hers. This position shut the world out to you and you got to experience one of the best feelings in the world from the best woman in your life.

How you Sleep: Since you and Hermione are in separate Houses, you two don't often sleep in the same bed during the school year, which sucks because you miss her like crazy and constantly sneak into the girls' Gryffindor dormitory and snuggle into her side when she's sleeping. However, when you two aren't in school and are spending your summers together because yes, you spend your summers with her, you two would be spooning in whoever's bedroom you two found yourselves in during the summer; it was mostly your house, but that's besides the point. Hermione was the little spoon, which shocked you when you found that out but you smiled to yourself and let her sleep. You were the big spoon, and Hermione loved snuggling into your body since she saw you as her rock and protector when the world wasn't going to shit around you two, which you loved doing.

Your favorite Muggle show to watch together: After you showed Hermione Say Yes to the Dress when she was visiting you, she couldn't help but fall in love with it and always wants to watch it with you after your homework is done. You giggled when you first turned it on and she was enraptured with the pretty dresses and the fun styles some of the brides would try on. You couldn't blame her because you also loved the designs of some of the dresses and couldn't wait for the day where you'd get to marry the woman of your dreams.

You get hurt while they're away from you: Hermione and the rest of the Golden Trio were busy training the recruits for Dumbledore's Army in the Room of Requirement while you worked in the library on your Transfiguration homework. You'd wanted to go with them to the Room and help, but Hermione had told you to stay behind on account of it being too dangerous for you and she didn't want you to get hurt. However, Malfoy and his cronies had other ideas when they saw you sitting alone in a far corner of one of the many reading rooms. You looked up from the textbook you were reading, saw Crabbe looming over you, and then screamed bloody murder when the Cruciatus Curse ripped its way through your body.  It was the worst pain you'd ever felt, and as you writhed on the ground and in the chair respectively, students ran out of the library to get teachers and other forms of help. All you cared about was the fact that Hermione wasn't the one getting tortured before your eyes.

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