Young Severus Snape x Reader Request

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This request is for the lovely @Lexiesnape (if this is not your username and you requested this story, let me know either in comments or PM me), I hope you like it! This is the first time I've written something for this character, so I apologize if I get his personality wrong! And this will contain huge amounts of fluff, so be advised. Now imma shut up, and let's get to the story!


I was walking through the castle grounds thinking about what Severus and I could do after classes when I heard someone yelling. Granted, I was right by the Quidditch field and some of the teams were practicing, but this particular voice sounded like my sister, Lilly. Who was she yelling at and why did I have a feeling that Severus was involved? I hadn't seen him the whole day, and if I was being honest, I missed him. I moved closer to the shouting and registered, "How dare you think I'd let you date my sister, Severus! She can do so much better than you, and you bloody well know it!"

Severus stated, "But she and I are dating, Lilly. And there's nothing you and your stupid boyfriend can do about it." I stood behind Lilly far enough away where Severus didn't see me, but I saw him clear as day and he wasn't looking like the happy man I'd grown to love. Severus then added, "You can't tell Y/N whom she can and can't date. She's a person in her own right, and we both know she can do what she wants and date who she wants."

Lilly declared, "That may be true, but she herself told me that she didn't want to date you anymore and wants you to come to the Gryffindor common room to get your stuff you left behind. I'll make sure it's all in boxes for you."

And that was the straw that broke my camel's back. I moved closer to Lilly's back and asked her, "When did I tell you I wanted to break up with my boyfriend who I've loved for probably years and you've known I've loved for years, Lilly Dursley?" She slowly turned to me and I saw the wheels in her head turning as she tried to come up with some sort of answer to what I asked her; I knew my question was valid since I never told her what she was alleging I told her. I stared at her and said, "Get out of here now and go back to your boyfriend. We will discuss this later."

Severus chuckled as Lilly scurried away faster than a Firebolt broom. I giggled at her fading back and turned back to my man, finding tears falling from his eyes probably at what he and Lilly were discussing. I smiled at him and he said while I headed for him, "Thank you for coming to save me from your sister, love. But I have a feeling she's right."

"What do you mean, my darling?" I asked him while cupping his face and making him look at me. He'd apparently not been looking at me when he thanked me, so I knew whatever they'd been arguing about before I showed up really got to him and I didn't like that; I hated seeing my man in pain from anyone, even me. I rubbed his cheeks with my thumbs and said, "Whatever Lilly said to you is wrong. I love you with all my heart, and I'll always love you no matter what bollucks she spews out her gob. You're stuck with me like a muggle's cancer."

Severus chuckled again, which was music to my ears, and asked, "Is that a bet or a promise, my darling Y/N?"

I smiled at him, put our foreheads together, and answered, "It's a promise that I intend to keep with my life so long as I have breath." I felt his arms wrap around my waist and our lips met like two puzzle pieces joining together. The world faded away around us and I loved it. It was a fact that I didn't know what the rest of our school years held in store, but as long as I had Severus Snape at my side, there was nothing I couldn't do.

A/N: This took me an entire day to write, which I honestly didn't think would happen, and I'm quite proud of myself! Virtual pat on the back mode engaged! I love you all for requesting on my other books and commenting and voting, you all are phenomenal! And requests are open for my other books, but if you request a story for my Twilight book, those will take a little longer to get through, just as a fair warning. I am going to hop back into it by doing some requests for the LGBTQ+ community to show my support of them and the fact that everyone deserves love no matter what they identify as. Those stories will happen all across my books, so stay tuned for them and don't hesitate to shoot me a request for any of my books! I love you all, and I will see you all soon with a new update! This is T-Lizzo signing off until the next update! Stay awesome, my lovely readers! Ta-ta for now!


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