Parent Teacher Talks

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"It's umm...good to see you again, Usagiyama. I hope you're recovering well." Mr. Aizawa stated with them sitting in chairs both my mothers grabbed for them. They sat across the coffee table with me in a chair having my legs procked up and both my moms on the couch. "As you both are probably already aware, we're going into a dorm system at UA and we need the approval of everyone's parents. We are aware of your concerns and just wanted to make sure you are alright with...everything that happened."

Both teachers stared at mom with her looking somewhat more serious. "I've heard of it and...let me just make this clear, I'm having difficulty trusting UA right now."

"We understand your worries-"

"Do you, Aizawa?" The fact mom used my teacher's actual name surprised me. "On the third day of school, my son fought a monster that All Might would have problems facing. He was attacked in Hosu on a work study with a pro you agreed to have him go with. I blame Gang Orca for the Stain attack predominantly, but he had no repercussions from the school itself. Now we've got the training camp incident where my son should've been safe, but you all had the villains get the drop on you and it nearly killed him as well as had him kidnapped on your watch. I know that heroism is dangerous and I've made peace with that future for Izuku, but that doesn't mean there shouldn't be a line that a highschool student should face when they don't even have a license."


"I....I agree with Miruko on this one." My biological mother spoke up voicing her concerns too. "I failed as your mom, Izuku. I won't deny that and I'm trying to regain the trust I gave up that you had for me. I know from what I've seen of heroism that what you have to face will be dangerous, but you're not one. Not yet at least. So I see where Miruko is coming from. If either one of us were to let you stay with a school that allowed this to happen on their watch so's just irresponsible as a parent or any type of guardian without some form of assurance you're not going to be put through the same thing again."

"Mrs. Midoriya. Miruko. I assure you that we are going to do everything in our power to make sure your son is safe-"

"And how well did that work out in the past?" Mom cut Mr. Aizawa off while pointing out something important he needed to hear from her. "Are you aware of Izuku's medical issues right now from what Recovery Girl said? He could lose his legs next time something bad like this happens." She walked over to grab Mr. Aizawa by his shirt collar and lift him up. "Listen to me, hobo and listen good. I've accepted the fact he wants to be a hero. I've made peace that he could easily die as a hero. But what I haven't made peace with and never will is Izuku dying as a kid because of your SHOTTY TEACHING! When I took Izuku in, I made it a personal goal to never let him suffer the way he did when I first found him. Even if he hates me for it, I'm going to fight tooth and nail to make sure he at least has some safety in that. I don't care if you're a teacher or a pro. Unless you can prove to me Izuku isn't in danger under your watch, I won't let him step one foot back on UA's campus."

"Miss Miruko-"

"Stay outta this Skeleton Man. Right now, you're unable to even defend yourself. I'm asking the guy who actually can defend others right now for his certainty." Mom was angry. I didn't know she was this mad to somewhat get worried about not getting the chance to go back to UA.


"Izuku. She's right no matter how you look at it." My biological mother stated not letting go of eye contact with everyone. "This time was inexcusable. You should've never had to fight a villain at a place you should've been safe in the first place. If this is honestly the best they can offer as a means to say you're in good hands, then I'm with Miruko in saying you shouldn't go back to UA." I felt really hurt hearing these words. "Izuku. I know you want to be a hero, but think of your own personal health. It's not right for you give up your own life when you're not even a hero yet nor even have any grounds to do these things."

I couldn't stand hearing these words. I felt as if all I've worked for was going up in smoke. At that moment though, I noticed the letter Kota wrote to me in my hands still. "Then...Then what if it's not UA?" Everyone looked at me for a moment. "Even if I have to stop going to UA, there's other ways to reach my goal. Even though all the friends I made up till this point are at UA and I'd be alone for a while, I can still be a hero even if I can't go to UA anymore."

All Might heard this to smile at me for a moment. He then transformed into his buff form and walked away from the chair to put his head to the floor in bowing. He soon let go of this form to present him in front of both my moms. "Miss Miruko. Mrs. Midoriya. I understand that we have shown wrong. But heed my words, I will do everything in my power to make sure Izuku becomes the shining symbol he wishes to be. Even at the cost of my own life, I'll keep him from the dangers in the future he shouldn't face no matter the cost. This is my solemn vow to you both. So long as I live, I will not ever allow Izuku to face what he has without my assistance and protection."

I felt a little conflicted seeing All Might bend down on his hands and knees for mom's approval. I was happy he was willing to help by going this far, but felt horrible he was doing this. After the sudden shock of it, mom let a sigh out before getting All Might to stop. "Get off the floor, All Might. It's not a good look for you." He did as she asked with mom sitting back down. "To be honest, I'll probably hate myself later for doing this, but I feel like I'd be an asshole if I didn't allow it. I'll go along with letting Izuku stay in UA."

"Really!?" I was excited before mom spoke up.

"There's a condition though. Izuku isn't going to be put through the crap he's been with your school again. If there's another villain attack on the school or at a school run thing that catches you by surprise, I'm dragging him out by his feet if I have to. The amount of trust I have in UA right now isn't a lot as compared to prior years. However, things are just gonna get worse now since All Might here is no longer an active duty pro. That means we need more heroes as well as my ability to bail you out if something happens is limited more. So you better have your shit together now, hobo man."

Mr. Aizawa bowed before standing up. "Thank you. UA will allow him to start moving into the dorms in two days."

"Wait, you had the dorm system built in just a few days?"

"They've been built, Mrs. Midoriya. For a while now, principal Nezu had been looking over the possibility to make UA a boarding school. For the most part, he hasn't been able to get the green light by the government to change it to one until this incident. The hero board agreed that now more than ever that we would most likely need some form of insurance in case something bad happens. As such, we are now able to hold the transition and were able to finalize the process within the time after the Kamino Ward incident."

'Well that seems kinda convenient for Nezu. I wonder when he thought to put in this system?' I thought about this before Mr. Aizawa looked at me.

"Usagiyama. Recovery Girl will come by the night before the move in to heal your legs enough to walk. You may still need to take it a bit easy for a day or two, but you shouldn't have problems moving in after."

"Thank you." I bowed while sitting to my teacher before he made another thing clear.

"I don't condone what you did in the slightest. You nor the people involved in rescuing you, but I'm at least happy nobody was hurt in retrieving you and your back to us somewhat safe and sound. Make sure you take better care of your body. Saying 'I did it to save someone' won't be a good enough excuse in the future. Get stronger so you don't have to worry about what will happen after."

He walked out with All Might to somewhat unease me. "He's got a point if anything." I looked at mom for her to continue. "Saving someone is good, but risking your own legs is bull. Don't do it again or else you'll have to worry about my foot being up your ass next time." I knew she was somewhat serious to understand that what I did wasn't a loss, but it wasn't a good enough win.

'I need to get better. That's the end result.'

And that finishes this chapter. See what happens next time with the move in. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

The Wolf and The RabbitOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora