Chapter 7: It feels so good and sexy to be rich, powerful villains

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Shuji often had the habit of waking up before you these days. As you had promised him and yourself, the both of you had become a very rich couple and are currently in bed inside one of Tokyo's most expensive condominium in a glass high-rising building. Being the pair of adrenaline junkies, neither of you minded the scary shakes of Japan's infamous earthquakes when they happened. In fact, there were times the two of you were so bored of wealth that you had hoped that your condo would break apart, giving the two of you an excuse to start over again.

However, The Hanma couple are far from being bored. The two of you had an enjoyable and steady marriage for more than a couple of years and things were great!

Or so Shuji had thought.

Lately, he could no longer ignore the subtle hints of your 'otherness'. Everyone, even their neighbor's dog knows how deeply he loves you. Yet he felt as though his love was one sided with how secretive you were. He did not know how long you had hidden these secrets, but it made him paranoid and he would catch you all too often thinking about some distant past. Whenever you had looked that way, it was as if you were remembering something terrible; horrible in fact. But he had met your mother and he did his own research on you. The only times you were involved in some questionable activities were your school fights with the other girls and perhaps some minor pickpocketing and lock picking in which you were never caught. But other than that, you did not have a traumatic childhood. Perhaps the only blemish to your life was an absence of a father figure. So now, you grew up to become someone with daddy issues and power kinks was your brain; a delightfully dangerous mix.

Still, so many things about you didn't make sense. So, Shuji groggily woke up and lazily kissed your sleeping face all over. Finally, his wide mouth landed over your lips and he kept kissing you warmly until you would wake up. When you did wake up, you smiled at him, groaned, and stretched. Your limbs stretched across the plush bed and silk sheets like a lazy mountain cat on a patch of grass. Your toes lazily brushed his shins to which he playfully returned this little game of footsy. He kissed your mouth some more, this time more open-mouthed and pushed his tongue through your lips, forcing his way inside and wrestled with your tongue with playfulness. This playful nature eventually gave way to his more dominant nature as he persevered to conquer your mouth and force you to yield to his affection. You did and moaned at the feel of this custom-made luxury, made only for you as your husband licked the insides of your cheek and explored every cavern of your mouth, leaving not a bit of you untasted and untested.

You arched your back against his and wrapped your arms around his neck, letting Shuji deepen his adoration for you as he took the liberty to put a bit of his weight on top of you and push himself down against you. Soon enough, he was moaning along with you. There was a magic about the way the two of you pressed bodies against each other, skin to skin. There was only breath and sighs that separated the two of you.

This was your morning ritual with him. Shuji would wake up before you and kiss you. It didn't matter how deeply or lightly the two of you slept. You made it a marital rule that you would not get out of bed unless Shuji wakes up to kiss you. You demanded this of him and Shuji never tired of it. Sometimes, the roles would change when he would sleep for far too long and the two of you would be in bed past twelve on a Sunday. No matter how much your husband insists that it was too early, you would whine and kiss his mouth the same way he would kiss you. You would climb on top of his tall, lanky body like a tree and press your weight on top of him to wake him up with a kiss, as he was doing now.

And how deliciously slow Shuji would pull away too. This came to your favorite part where he would suck on your lower lip into his large teeth. It had your heartbeat speeding up at an erratic rate, wondering if he will bite down and peel your lip off your face like peeler on apple. Slowly, he let your lower slip out of his teeth; one of his canines lingered down a little longer and gave it a gentle little bite before letting it go. You licked what remains of Shuji's sloppy affection, put it back into your mouth, and swallowed.

You're a Harpy, But I Love You (Hanma x Reader Fic)Where stories live. Discover now