Chapter 5: Say goodbye to your ghosts, capitalism is here

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"Tell me about Kisaki Tetta."

Hanma had to stop himself mid-drink, as he didn't want to choke on his coffee. Then he took a slow, deliberate sip before placing the mug down on the table.

"How do you know about him?" he asked.

"Does it matter?" you grumbled derisively. Hanma gave you an expression that demanded no bullshit from you this time and you sighed. Obviously, this Kisaki-subject was going to be a sensitive one and you had to be gentle this time.

"I stalked you often behind your back and saw you visiting Kisaki's grave. I also did research on you and learned you were part of Mobius, then Valhalla, then Toman and finally Tenjiku before you became a fugitive. I make a point to know everything I can about you before agreeing to be your girlfriend. Now spill."

Hanma had to blow some hair as he massaged his temples. He was flattered that he had been followed around by you and 'stalked' at the same level as he had done to you. But did you really have to explain things so succinctly and at a rapid-fire speed to exhaust his brain to the ground?

But then again, it was you. His little siren. His Valkyrie goddess. His heart and better half; love of his life—

"Shuji baby, you're loving me silently again~" you teased.

"—And you're my little genius and cute little stalker and my pumpkiny-wumpkiny!~"

That got him a pillow tossed to his face as you laughed.

"Be serious! It really means a lot to me. I want to know if I am competing against a dead person," you pouted, though you weren't bored of it.

"Well... I'd say we were the best of friends, partners in crime and always up to no good but to be honest, I knew I was a tool and he was a master manipulator," he smiled fondly at the memory.

"Kisaki was... the most dangerous delinquent I ever had the pleasure to work with. He somehow had so much foresight, you know. He had the uncanny ability to know how a person would react. Smart people usually think so less of us and think we are nothing but simple brutes who fight all the time. I mean, we are! But we are more than that. I'm plagued by boredom and apathy; and Kisaki knew I needed a thrill. So, when he first recruited me, he outright told me that I was going to be is slave. Just like that! He didn't fear me or the reaper! I was so happy because for the first time, it felt like someone saw me for who I am. Not the reaper, but the super strong, ruthless, murderous and horribly bored delinquent that I am. I watched him manipulate others with the right words. He knew people on a deep, mental level... But he didn't completely understand people's hearts. Neither did I. That was the sort of thing Draken would know about," Hanma chuckled dangerously at this.

"Aah... The wise dragon is dead now. Good riddance... Oh, right! So back to Kisaki. He was different from other delinquents. Maybe his uniqueness attracted me so I wanted to follow him. Being next to him was exhilarating!"

He sighed as his mind went back to all those amazing battles that his old friend orchestrated.

"His downfall was something I never figured out. I know for a fact that he got hit quiet badly by a truck and died from his injuries. But I still like to pretend that he died a glorious death. Either by truck or bullet, he went out in a great big bang. That's a proper delinquent death right there."

There was a pregnant pause between the both of them. You wanted to ask if that was how Hanma wanted to die and whether you should search in a catalog for big trucks and purchase one for him. You'd even let Hanma pick a color. But you didn't; it wasn't the time for jokes. You had never seen Hanma so melancholic and drained before.

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