The outburst wasn't expected. The way Jin voiced out all those in pure disgust towards Taehyung and his tears streaming down only made the scenes worse. Jin's bloodshot eyes were staring at his soul and Taehyung quivered. He didn't even know why there was an impulse telling him to unknowingly lower his head even though he didn't do anything. But who needs his broken confession? Who needs the pain of his heart and guilty of his lone soul after making all those people around him sad. People he doesn't even know. Yet Taehyung couldn't stop the tears falling on his cheeks.

"Jin, calm down. They... They do have a point. He didn't..."

"Not you too, Namjoon. You know the pain I'm going through. You know what my brother was to me. And out of the blue when everyone says that I can't see him anymore, I can't see his smile, I can't fight with him anymore because... He... He left me...? And it's all his fault. He killed my brother. He killed Jeongguk and took away our happiness. I knew it, Namjoon. I told him before that..."

Jin paused, a sharp glare shot at Taehyung's fragile body which was now shaking in fear and hurt. Then he blurted out, hate seeping from his mouth to the caramel-haired boy while his finger pointed at Taehyung.

"...Loving him is poisonous.

I told him to stop falling for his charms only to get hurt in the end. Because this man doesn't know my brother has devoted his entire universe around him.

You will never know how much Jeongguk loved you..."

A hand placed on Taehyung's shoulder brought him back to reality, silently telling him to not break down because Yoongi knows. Taehyung always had his heart on his sleeves, soul blissful and optimistic in every phase of life, from childhood. He believed that Taehyung never changed. The mint green eyes might be broken now, but he was sure of the determination to overcome whatever coming towards him. There was something deep obscuring behind those mint green orbs that Yoongi couldn't pinpoint.

Namjoon held Jin in his arms, consoling him by whispering sweet nothings in his ear. The more he tried to be professional and strong in front of the people in the room, the harder he was failing to protect his beloved from the pain. The lawyer knows that no one can replace their loss. Nothing can. However, life goes on, even in a situation like this. We may not be ready to face what's on our way, but we will find a way that will lead us to the right destination. Namjoon was always a positive-minded man, understanding the reasons behind everything before snapping out, and clever enough to make a decision and face its consequences. Just like Yoongi, Taehyung got the same vibe from the other lawyer in the room. Especially when they both think before speaking and listen to understand not to answer back.

"Namjoon-ssi. Taehyung has never been in a relationship with anyone, let alone with your brother. We can understand the emotion of your husband, but we're really sorry. My client has no involvement in this incident. How did you even get the idea that these two are lovers?"

Yoongi inquired in the most civil way he could ever with his opposition. The room found Namjoon lowering his head, letting out a deep sigh before taking something out of his pocket. He placed the transparent cover on the table which had a phone supposed to belong to Jeongguk. They waited for officer Minho to open the cover, anticipation dripping from the bottom of their heart.

"This is Jeongguk's phone. He forgot to take it with him on that night."

Namjoon said as Minho switched it on, the screen lit up with the white bright light breaking the gloominess of the room which made Taehyung close his eyes tight. The screen came into his view, threatening him to take a shaky breath while his hands fidgeted continuously. The lock screen wallpaper showed a man in the middle of flowers. Taehyung restrained his hand from touching his heart. It was him. With wide long eyes, fluffy hair falling on his forehead and looking all soft in his favorite dirty white shirt, it was him.

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