Everywhere Else.

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Paul was an older man, much older than her father who looked after the family for years. He had a clean shaven face and white hair. His blue eyes that looked like the ocean and his wrinkles told a story of happiness, grief and love.

They marched down to the classroom that Raiotto had set up for her a long time ago. Since birth she was homeschooled and Paul taught her everything. Raiotto trusted no one else but Paul to care for his daughter while he was away.

"Today we will be learning zoology."

"That's the study of animals, right?" She asked.

"Correct, let's begin."

Ari's days were filled to the brim with new things to learn, every day for an hour she would learn a subject to keep her well rounded in he knowledge of the world. Monday was math, Tuesday had history, Wednesday was science, Thursday:English, Friday was her day of fitness with a subject Paul picked out for her. He must have wanted her to have a class that resembled gym. Saturday was her painting lessons which she adored so much and Sunday was her ballet lessons.

Since the class only lasted an hour, Ari was given the power to choose what she wanted to do for the rest of the day. Sometimes she would just keep the lessons going for more than an hour because she didn't know what to do that day. It was the same old cycle, having breakfast with Dad, lessons, going around town with Paul and then retiring home waiting for Raiotto to come back home for dinner.

"Miss, Ari." Paul took her out of her thousand yard stare. "Finish the questions on the sheet." He told her instructively. She nodded and filled out the packet, she slid the yellow stack of papers his way and he checked them quickly. "Go on and get ready to go, Miss Ari." He glanced at her with a smile. She left her stool and rushed up the steps. This was the only time she was able to go out into the real world and it was such an event in her mind. She changed into an indigo romper with white polka dots. She braided her super layered hair and then hopped into some flats. Her excitement fueled her feet down the steps. She must have not been paying attention since Paul heard a thunderous noise cascading down the stairs. He ran towards the sound only to see Ari on the lovely marble floor in a laughing mess.

"Miss Arinna. Are you alright?" He helped her up.

"I'm fine." She giggled. Paul sat her down on the steps to check her ankles. She wasn't in pain, he sighed in relief that she had not broken a bone.

"You Dad would've killed me if you got hurt."

"I know, I know. I'm sorry." She chuckled.

"Please be careful next time." He gave her a stern look. Air nodded and her silly giggles subsided.

 "Let's go you silly girl." He ruffled her hair and led the way out of the house. He opened the car door for her and they were off, she loved looking out the window to see how everyone else lived. Kids were playing in the yard, husbands were mowing the lawn and wives were tending to their gardens. Some were walking their dogs or jogging, they all looked like busy bees in a hive, buzzing about always with something to do. They all had work to go to, appointments to keep and events to attend to. Deep in Ari's heart, she wished she could be one of those buzzing busy bees.

Paul glanced at her in the rearview mirror, his heart kind of broke for her. She had no friends but him and he knew that wasn't enough. She needed to be around kids her age so she could fully socialize. "Where to, Miss Arinna?" He asked her.

"Do you have to ask? The store we always visit first." She smiled. Paul's eyes shined, indicating he had smiled back at her, "Yes, Mam." He turned a corner and headed into the city where her favorite store was. She didn't waste any time climbing out when he parked, dashing towards the doors.

"Ah ah!" He caught her by the arm, his grip firm but not hurtful. "We always walk in together." He told her.

"But, Dad-" Ari was instructed to call Paul her father when they were out in public. If Raiotto wasn't around and they were out of the house, Paul took role of the father to keep any suspicious eyes confused of who she was related to.

"No, buts. You know the rules." He looked into her odd colored eyes. She sighed and nodded to him, they walked in together and Paul took his place at the front of the store where he could see her. Ari perused through the isles and filled her cart. She was always captivated by the scent of brand new sandalwood framed canvas. The rainbow of color of all the paints on the shelves and the feel of new paint brushes. The art store was her second home and she couldn't get enough of the painting isle.

Ari loved to paint, something that no one in her family had the talent for. Raiotto was proud of her beautiful gift and made sure that he hired the best painting teacher for her to learn from. Her face lit up every time she saw a blank canvas, her mind always raced with the possibilities of what to create. It was the only power she truly could take charge of, no one could tell her what to paint and how to paint it. It was her choice what to make and that made her feel like an individual. When she was satisfied with the new updates to her art supplies, she came up to the register and bought everything. Paul took her bags, sticking them in the trunk.

"Any ideas on where to go to next, Ari?" He asked.

"The thrift store." She replied.

"The what?" Paul looked taken for a loop. This was a new turn for her, she was a rich girl with no limit to her spending or where she could go in Japan and the place she wanted to go to was a thrift shop? "Are you sure? Why do you want to go there?"

Ari shrugged, "I've been everywhere else."

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