The Beginning

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Thebes. City of the Living. Crown jewel of Seti the First. Home of Satiah the High Priestess of Isis and Imhotep the High Priest of Osiris. Also the birthplace of Anak-sun-Amun, the Pharaoh's Mistress. No one was allowed to touch her. But Imhotep and Anak-sun-Amun were willing to risk life itself for their love. Little did they know that a certain priestess was also in love with the Priest of the dead. Having grown up with him since birth and promised to him by the Pharaoh himself.

As the sunset in the city of Thebes, the High Priestess finished her prayers at the altar of Isis and stood up putting out the candle next to her. She wore a regal robe that swept the floor as she walked, her beautiful skin adorned in painted gold designs in tribute to the goddess Isis. She turned walking out of the room and gave orders to two young priestesses in training. She was returning to her quarters when she passed the pharaohs. She heard yelling and curiosity got the better of her. The Pharaoh was yelling in rage at two figures. She crept closer and hid behind a statue and heard Seti yell 

"Who has dared to touch you!?" she looked over and saw him yelling at none other than Anak-sun-Amun. But her eyes widened in shock as she saw Imhotep, her dear friend, come out of the shadows. 

"Imhotep! My Priest!!" Seti yelled out and looked betrayed. Before anyone could react Anak-sun-Amun brandished a dagger from her waist belt and stabbed him. 

"No!" The Priestess gasped, the two snapped their heads in her direction and she stepped out looking mostly at Imhotep with tears in her eyes, her heart tearing apart. 

"Why, oh why would you do this, how could you do this!?" she yelled and moved to the Pharaoh to help his wound as he lay there bleeding out and in a daze.

 "Quite easily my dear" Anak-sun-Amun said and smirked. She went to deliver the final blow to Seti but the young Priestess grabbed the blade with her hand, the blade sliced into her palms making her cry out and she struggled to grab hold of it and take the dagger away. They were fighting and struggling for control all the while Imhotep watched, not knowing who he should help, his childhood friend or his love. 

"Both of you stop it!" He said and went to anck-sun-Amun but was pushed back by her roughly. Satiah grunted and kept fighting until one jerk put her off balance. Causing Anak-sun-Amun to gain the upper hand and bury the dagger deep into her abdomen. Satiah gasped in pain and collapsed onto her knees. She watched as Anak-sun-amun sauntered over to Imhotep and calmed him with sweet words. But the mistress could see the shock in his eyes.  Satiah cried out to him softly as she fell to the floor. 

"Please..please help Imhotep..please I love you," she said in a pathetic whisper as she struggled to stay awake. Imhotep stood there frozen at her last words, watching the Priestess die. 

"Satiah.." He mumbled to her, his voice filled with sorrow, but he soon snapped out of it when he heard yells coming toward the door. 

"The Pharaoh's bodyguards!" Anak-sun-Amun gasped. She moved closer to Imhotep. Quickly Imhotep's followers who were lurking in the shadows grabbed him to escort him away but he fought their hands, looking at Satiah's corpse and then at Anak-sun-Amun. 

"You must go! Only you can resurrect me now, I will be fine! Go!" She yelled at Imhotep who reluctantly ran with his priests. As the guards ran in she pulled the blood-stained dagger from Satiah's body and waited for them to come. They pointed their weapons at her and she chuckled. 

"My body is no longer his temple!" she hissed and then plunged the dagger into her body. Wincing in pain and collapsing to the floor, dead.

Soon in the night, Imhotep took Anak-sun-amun's mummified remains to Hamunaptra, the city of the dead. He placed her canopic jars by her body and brought out the Book of the Dead, which made him think of Satiah, making him frown. He brushed it aside and started the chant to resurrect his love. Just as he was about to finish he was interrupted by the Pharaoh's guards and taken away. 

Given to the remaining Royal family to be judged, Imhoptep's priests were to be buried alive, while Imhotep was given the worst punishment of all, the Hom-Dai. The worst of all curses, one so horrible, it had never before been bestowed. Cursed to remain sealed inside his sarcophagus for all eternity. They would never allow him to be released. 

For he would arise a walking disease, a plague upon mankind, an unholy flesh-eater, with the strength of ages, power over the sands, and the glory of invincibility. And if he could raise his beloved Anck-sun-amun from her place in hell, together, they are an unstoppable infection upon this world. The Apocalypse.

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