Part 1 - Caffeinated

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Side note: This chapter was edited after it was published to have better wording, grammar and to be a smoother read in general so that the reader may enjoy the content better).

Side note: Loki uses He/She/They and Mobius uses He/Him

POV = Loki

Loki sat on a bench, she felt indifferent about many things, like Mobius. He thought, and thought, and thought with each second bringing warmer cheeks. Do I really like him? He isn't that bad honestly. The man walked over to the god with a coffee cup in hand. "Come on, let's go." He spoke. The TVA didn't trust Loki with dealing with the timeline, they wouldn't trust him, she knew Mobius did but knew that he had no such power in the system to let Loki do anything. Hell, he would have already been pruned if it wasn't for the Lesser Loki Variant case. Loki had been staying at the TVA for what felt like, and likey was, months. As Mobius had said, time passed differently there. The hunters began walking over to where they were. She stood up and watched as Mobius pull out the tempad to open up a time door.

"It's nice seeing you obey orders and doing as you're told for once, being the scamp you are, makes me wonder if you're plotting something," the man commented. "Just observing the terrain while waiting, obviously," They responded. "For who or what exactly?" Mobius joked. The god stood there as the word 'Shit' continuously looped through his head. Were they bright red? They felt bright red. Was Mobius able to see her blush? They're were so many questions. It was all just a few seconds. Would the man make a snarky comment on it?He wanted to scream as he stared into his eyes. This random nobody, someone brought into existence by someone who was even above Loki, the God of Mischief. That alone was plain insanity. What was shocking is that in a crunched time span, the same man managed to get an heir to the throne of Asgard to fall for him, whether it had been intentional or unintentional, it happened. It was absurd, it was too absurd! 

"Loki... you alright?" Crap, he did notice. Reclaimed a grasp of reality, "Yes, very much so," For a damned god of mischief and lies, I'm really bad at lying, at least right now. The agent looked unsure and questionable, but shrugged. "After you," he curtsied, gesturing towards the portal that lead to the TVA. Loki stood up straight and simply walked through, attempting to tone himself down more while leaving for the TVA, but the desks and people who worked there in them didn't notice anything . This was normal for them, having others walk through the time doors and get right back to their jobs. Mobius came up from behind, almost ramming into Loki, and apologized as Loki squinted their eyes at him. "I got you a little something," Mobius held out the cup in his left hand, "Not positive if you'd like it, but it's worth a shot." He was a little nervous looking. It was off, and very suspicious indeed. Not like the confident, outgoing man at all, but he smiled. Mobius smiled. Even if it was a nervous one, it still gave hope to the fact that he thought about them while investigating the timeline. She took the cup in his hands as they started walking to Mobius' cubicle and sipped at it. A bitter taste came across her mouth, they didn't mind it.

They were still walking. Time seemed to be going slow right then and they still weren't at the desk. Loki broke the uncomfortable silence between the two, "Could be sweeter, I guess," he muttered, glancing back at his now startled acquaintance. They stared at each other for a second, then Mobius pulled out a pink packet. He spoke as he gave the god the package, "It was the only sweetener they had, and out of creamers." The god examined the pink paper wrapper. It read the word, 'Splenda' on the front. He assumed it was the brand name as she took off the lid of the drink, ripped the top of the sugar off with her teeth and poured it into the drink, placing the lid back on and wobbling the cup a smidge. They glanced at the higher up peasant, he seemed to have spaced out, looking at Loki's eyes. What are you thinking you rascal?... They took another sip of the coffee. It tasted a little bit better. She nodded slightly to signify to Mobius that it was. Mobius nodded back, to Loki's surprise and looked down at his own cup, then to the hallway in the direction they were walking. He spoke again, "I figured you'd be a 'black, like my soul' kinda gal, you know? Even if you may not have a black soul in a lot of aspects," it was a monotone voice, not his usual happy and go-lucky style.

"I don't think I've ever had it before. I'd heard of it from one of the Midgardian's shops I passed, but never had a chance to take the time to stop by and drink it, I don't think I really knew what it actually was, I was too busy trying to.. you know..." he stopped. Mobius shook his head, "Yeah, that makes sense," as he took another drink. He looked to have been making mental notes in his mind, things to write down and examine later on, but at the same time, genuinely getting involved with a conversation with Loki.  He doesn't push as much for him to talk, just sometimes, but otherwise he's calm and easy-going, but very passionate in his job and belief about the TVA. The two arrived at the corner that was the area that Mobius worked in. Being the mischievous man that they were, Loki decided to walk slightly faster to beat the other one to his chair and sit in it. She expected a bit of a pissed off energy to radiate from him, but no, it was happier, really light-hearted. Little shits and giggles is all she needed now. It was nice, especially with him.

A/N: Thank you all for reading the first chapter of my stories, it means a lot to me that people read these because it means I'm ACTUALLY being seen by people. If you likes this, please vote it and maybe even give me a follow, anything is appreciated really. If you have feedback to give me on my writing skills (because I'm still relatively new to it) PLEASE tell me. I'm hoping to improve as much as possible while writing all of these shenanigans. That's it! Thank you all for reading and I hope you have a good day/evening/night!

Shits and Giggles - Lokius Oneshots(?)Where stories live. Discover now