Chapter 1: the concert

Start from the beginning

Y/n: "Hey dude."

Rita: "Sup loser. What ya listening to?"

You handed Rita a earbud.

Rita: "Oh cool, it's that band that you like."

Y/n: "There names is Gorillaz Rita."

Rita: "Sorry, sorry, but damn they rock out!"

Y/n: "If you thought that one was good, check this one out."

You then began to play Clint Eastwood.

Rita: "I need to download there albums."

Y/n: "They only have one album and a mixtape, hopefully they come out with another project soon."

Rita: "Isn't the guitarist the reason you began to play guitar back when we were like ten?"

Y/n: "Yeah, so?"

Rita: "Aww, someone has a celebrity crush!"

You chuckle

Y/n: "Shut up, she's famous and I'm a nobody, she wouldn't be into me."

Rita: "You never know maybe she could."

Y/n: "Doubtful."

The bus pulled up to the school.

Y/n: "Ready for another day in this hellhole?"

Rita: "As I'll ever be."

You and Rita got off the bus and went inside, Rita and you went different directions.


It was your last period class, you walked to your last class, all of a sudden your back was against lockers and you felt your shirt getting tight.

???: "hey (y/n)."

You saw the school bully Tyler, he usually left you alone because his victim was a kid named Jeremy.

Y/n: "Oh hey Tyler, what do you want?"

Tyler: "Jeremy ain't here for me to pick on, so I'll just take it out on you."

Y/n: "Yeah, I don't think that's a good idea."

Tyler them threw a punch, you noticed it in time and you had time to duck. Tyler then punched the locker, he let go of you due to the pain.

Tyler: "Ow! Goddamn, son of a bitch!"

Tyler then began to throw more punches, you did your best to dodge them, once you found your opening you ducked one punch and you countered it by punching him in the stomach as hard as you can. You knocked the wind out of Tyler, he got on one knee trying to catch his breath.

??? "Hey!"

You turned around to see the principal Manson

Y/n: "Shit."

Manson: "Mr (l/n)! Language!"

Y/n: "Sorry Mr Manson..."

Manson: "Both of you. My office. Now!"

You and Tyler walked to the office once there you both sat down next to each other.

Manson: "What happened boys?"

Tyler: "I was walking to my next class and (y/n) attacked me out of no where."

You gave Tyler a ugly look.

Y/n: "Bullshit! He's lying!"

Manson: "(Y/n)! Language! Now since I didn't see what happened it's only fair I give both of you detention, after school to the art room."

Hearts and music (Noodle x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now