Chapter 1: the concert

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Dad: "Come on son! If we don't hurry we'll be late!"

You tried to keep up with your dad, but he was walking really fast, so he basically was dragging you around the arena.

Y/n: "Dad, why are we here?"

Dad: "It's your 10th birthday, I wanted to show you the best band in the world. I promise son, you will love them after this concert."

After a while of getting dragged around, your dad finally found the entrance to the area that the band was playing in. Your dad handed the bouncer the tickets, for a moment the bouncer examined the tickets but them he moved aside so you and your dad can go in. When you got inside the place, the first thing you saw was a huge stage, looking around some more you saw so many seats and light flashing everywhere. You made it to the 3rd row and your dad sat you down next to him.


After a while of listening to opener bands, the lights went down.

Dad: "Son, it's starting!"

A man walked on stage and grabbed the microphone.


The crowd began to cheer, clap, and scream, which gave you a big scare. You turned to you're dad to see him cheering louder then anyone. A huge amount of smoke came from the stage, lights from all Colors began to flash everywhere, you looked back at the stage to see the band rising up from the stage floor. You stared in aw.

Y/n: "Wow... They look so cool!!!"

You saw all the band members clearly. The main singer had blue hair and was very tall and was wear a long sleeve shirt with a red T on it, but the coolest thing was it looked like he had no eyes. Then the bassist he was tall too, he was wearing a upsidedown necklace but the weirdest thing was his skin was all green. The drummer had a cooler look to him he was big and wearing hip hop type of clothing, but his eyes were completely white. And the lead guitarist, she looked like she was your age wearing a shirt that was kinda big on her and a really cool helmet. When you saw her for some reason your cheek were hot. The lead singer grabbed the microphone.

Song: "I ain't happy, I'm feeling glad
I got sunshine in a bag
I'm useless but not for long
The future is coming on
I ain't happy, I'm feeling glad
I got sunshine in a bag
I'm useless but not for long
The future is coming on
It's coming on, it's coming on
It's coming on, it's coming on"

The second you heard that you like the flow, the rhythm, everything.

Y/n: "They. Sound. AWESOME!!!"


Singer: "Thank you Boston! It was a honer to play for you tonight! Drive home and stay safe!"

Everyone began to exit the arena, as you walked to the car with your dad you kept humming to tunes of the song you just heard.

Y/n: "That was so awesome! They rocked! Thanks for taking me dad, but who were they?"

Dad: "There name is Gorillaz. The best band in the world."


4 years have passed

Mom: "Sweetheart! Your going to be late!"

You shot up when you heard that. You quickly grabbed some clothes and your backpack and ran downstairs.

Y/n: "Thanks mom."

You sat down and at your breakfast, after breakfast you went to brush your teeth then you went upstairs to grab your mp3 player. You began to walk to the bus stop you were currently listening to 19-2000. You hummed the song as you listened lip singing to the song. Once the bus made it you hopped on you looked around until you saw your best friend Rita. You sat down and fist bumped her.

Hearts and music (Noodle x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now