the arrival

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It was a normal sunny day in New York.Y/N turns on the usual TV chanel saying 'The Avengers have saved countless lives once again,' Y/N has a huge crush on Captain America but she will never admit that to any of her friends.

Y/N's phone beeps it was an email from Tony Stark reading 'Miss Y/N Reid you have been accepted for the new babysitting position for Morgan Stark please reply back to this email as soon as possible and we can talk about your accommodation,
Your sincerely Tony Stark

Y/N quickly replied to the email and started to get her things ready.By the time she was finished it was now 10:15 am she picked up her car keys from the kitchen counter and left her apartment.

She finally arrives outside the Stark tower obviously she had to show proof of identification and proof that she was expected as people were always trying to by pass the security just to get a glimpse of the inside.

Y/N walks through the main doors and Jarvis warns everyone about her arrival. As Y/N approaches the door to the meeting room she past a few sheild agents which were rare to find nowhere days.

Y/N takes a seat in a black plastic chair just as people start to pile in one by one through the door.

Natasha: Hi I'm Natasha it's nice to finally meet you.
Of course Y/N was shocked that Black Widow knew her name but she quickly snapped out of it and introduced herself to the others. Natasha and Wanda were just happy to have another girl in the compound.

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