Chapter 4: Vasco? Vasco!

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And just like that, the first day back at school was a success. Although I do doubt that anyone believes that I was Aclys, but that's their problem.

My Struggle to find a part-time job was crazy, because unlike Danny boy, I don't have two bodies. So I decided to settle for a late night delivery service, 4 days a week from 6pm to 12:30 am. I need income don't I? And I'm pretty sure that I only need a few hours of sleep.

I also signed up for an underground cage fighting tournament, winner receiving one million won prize money as well as the amount people have betted on them, lucky for me the tournament doesn't start till a few weeks.

Right now it was due time for my first convenience store visit, After all, its about time I befriend little Daniel.

pulling on a hoodie and sweat pants, I grab my wallet and phone, plugging in an earbud. Walking through the block, I turn a corner to see the Corner Convenience store sitting there brightly. Walking up, the door opens with a small ding, I catch little Daniel in deep though at the counter.  He quickly glances up, a small blush filling his face, while I smile at him.

"A-Aclys!!!" he blurts out with a stutter, gasping in surprise.

"hmmm??? hello, do I know you?" I play along, raising an eyebrow in question as I pull out an earbud.

"o-oh ummm, M-my Roommate talked about you . . . . Y-you know Daniel?" he stutters and fiddles with his fingers.

I gasp in recognition

"OMG! Daniel park is your roomy? That's great! we're fast friend . He asked me to draw you!"

I ramble on as Daniel blushes slightly, nodding vigorously.

"You know what? lets be friends . . . What's you're Name?" I ask, hopping around like a child.

His eyes widen behind his glassed as he smiles.

Awwwww he's so precious!

"D-daniel, Daniel park. Heh we kind of have the same name", he looks down sheepishly, I immediately take out a piece of paper and a pen, scribbling down my number, handing it to little daniel.

"Well then little daniel, you take my number, and then give it to big daniel as well. Since both of you are my besties now!" he looks surprised

"W-w-wait . . . Me too?" he looks hopeful

"Well duh! Both of you!" he has his mouth open before replying "sorry but I don't have a phone at the moment, but I'll give it to big Daniel, and I can text you through that ok?" 

I nod

"no problemo! also can you tell me where the instant ramen is?"

"o-oh it's down the back left corner of the store" I nod before heading to get two packs.




After what seems like a hard long think, I finally pick the flavours before heading to the counter, Only to see lil Daniel on the floor and a big Crystal Choi smiling at him, oblivious to my presence.

"ohh sorry, I work out a lot too! just like that"

Damn crystal you angel!

Smirking I walk closer to the two, waving. Only to have crystal scan me quick and glare at me.

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