Chapter 2- A Badass Back To School

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 I was running late, on purpose of course.

I needed a badass entrance anyways.

On my way to the class, I had various stares directed at me.
Girls and boys whispered to each other as I jog through the hallway to my classroom.

'Damn who's that'

'she's hot'

'OMG Is she a model?'

'LOOK at that ass'

'Um jenny? I think I'm gay....'

'Fuck I'm in love' 

Smirking inwardly, I slow down to stand in front of the classroom door, Korean was practically hardwired into my brain, thank the lord for that.

Wearing the hoody that Acyls usually wears as a trademark, I kick open the door with a loud slam. Sauntering in with my headphones in my ears and my bag slung over my shoulder. My hips sway as I weave between the desks, my hair fluttering behind me. 

Third pov

 The commotion froze, Zack paused his gloating as the whole class turned to look at the newcomer. She was gorgeous. nothing compared to Mira of course. Her eyes slightly scanned the room as she hummed to herself. Hips swaying as she walked.

Jay turned his head slightly in interest.

 . . . 

Daniel's face was tinted red as he sees the new arrival, who notices his stare and pauses in front of his desk. Pulling out an earbud, she looks at him, ignoring everyone else. 

"OH HEEYYYY! you're new right?" she smiles brightly as Daniel nods.

"Umm yeah, I'm Daniel park. Nice to meet you." He smiles as he puts out a hand for her to shake, which she dose, with an incredibly firm grip.

"mhmm, Acyls, Acyls L/n. The pleasures all mine." she says, accidentally letting through some English. before covering her face with embarrassment. mumbling a tiny sorry. she continues.

"Anyways, hope you like it here, word of warning, do something rash and you end up bullied. heck, even if you look weird, you end up bullied. But I doubt that would be a problem for you, unless you get stuck with some jealous boyfriend of course"" Anyways see ya later!" she sticks the earplug back into her ear as she goes and plops herself down next to Jay.

The two were simply seat mates, nothing else. Never acknowledging each other once.

She turns to him, "heyya Jay" sending a light wave, jay who was stunned, grinned slightly and gave her a small nod.

The class on the other hand, sat there. Stunned. THAT WAS ACLYS!!!!!!!

'OMG no way . . . .'

'she's gorgeous? that is not acyls'

'that's little piggy?'

'That pig? nuh uh, no way TF?'

'just LOOK at that bod!'


'fuck, gurl I think I'm gay'

'bish you sound gay . . . .'

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