Part 11: An encounter from the past

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I woke up in his bed, with one of his shirts on me. I found myself lying on his bare chest again. What happened last night? We didn't do something? I remembered him carrying me to his bed.

-"Good morning'" He said and looked down at me and smiled at me.

-"Morning. Um, we didn't do anything yesterday, right?" I said as I sat myself up next to him in his bed.

-"You don't remember?" He said and gave me a small smirk. That scared me, cause i didn't remember at all. I think he could tell that I was terrified in my eyes.

-"Don't worry Dol, nothing happened. You fell asleep on my couch when I played my guitar and sang for you. When you fell asleep I carried you in my bed. Which made you wake up slightly. So you mumbled that you couldn't sleep in your dress, so you asked for one of my shirts and got changed then fell asleep."

-"I didn't mean to fall asleep so fast. It must have been so boring to hang out with me."

-"Haha, no. I could tell you needed some sleep, desperately."

-"Thank you Al. I mean it. I still don't understand why you are still around me after all the drama with Zoey." I said as I found his hand and then I squeezed his hand.

-"Because I like to hang out with you and I care about you Dol, a lot." He said and leaned in for a kiss and as he did that I followed his lead. I wanted it to lead to something more but then someone entered his apartment. I heard footsteps around his apartment.

-"Al? Where are you?" The man had the exact accent as Alex but it wasn't Matt. Then he walked into his bedroom. There we were laying with blushed cheeks.

-"Wow, I'm so sorry." Said the man and turned around.

-"Miles, what are you doing here?" Alex was a little panicked.

-"I just wanted to um talk to you about the tour. We decided to plan it at yours."

-"Shit, I forgot. I'm sorry Dol. But you can stay if you like"

-"Yeah sure."

-"We will be out in a minute, Miles. We just have to get changed."

-"Yeah, yeah no hurry." He said and closed the bedroom door.

Then we looked at eachother and just let out a big laugh at how embarrassing it was. The sound of his laugh bringed me so much happiness, it took me to places that I didn't even know existed. Miles could definitely hear us outside the door. It felt sad when I took off his shirt, I missed the feeling of it. How it smelled like him and how comfortable the fabric was. Miles didn't ask who I was or how we met so Alex introduced me instead.

-"This is Dol, she is a.....friend of mine." He didn't know what word to say that could define our relationship.

-"Um and this is Miles, my other half in The last shadow puppets." I could tell that Miles meant alot to Al.

-"Nice to meet you." Miles said and gave me a smile.

-"You too." I said and gave a smile back.

Then we all sat down on his couch. Miles started talking immediately about the tour. Where they should go and when they should go. It was fascinating watching together when they shared ideas with each other. I didn't want to think about when he was going on tour. Not having him around, sure we could talk on the phone but I will miss his kisses and the way he touches me.

-"Dol, what do you think?"

-"What? I'm sorry I just got lost in my thoughts."

-"Do you think we should start touring in January or February?"

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