Where am I...?

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Uzi Pov


Where am I?

When I opened my eyes and saw my screen controls and stuff. Far from that, I still see nothing.

Shit. I still can't see anything. So, It wasn't a dream...

As I was getting up, I hit my head on a... metal ceiling??? I began to feel my surroundings and noticed the blankets I was laying on and noticed a big hole in one of the walls. When I touched its corners, of course. Ouch!

I then remembered something I learned from class once. I opened my screen, and went to my settings and scrolled down to one in particular:


After getting my scanning on, I imminently use it. Ok. It seems that I'm in a bed drawer with blankets, which appears to be broken. So, I went through the hole, but it was mostly a dead end since I can only go on both side of the bed and one side there is what seems to be a toaster??? Damn it!

So, I went back to the drawer and found the opening. I then pushed the drawer open. Finally I can leave!

I got out and then scanned again. Hmm... I'm in a room, so I'll go forward until I see a door outline.

I then begin to see a door, and when I open it, there was a long hallway to probably the exit. As walked into a familiar section of the palace I'm in, I notice a static figure laying on what seems to be a sofa. I decided to quietly go around it. It's probably the murder drone I talked yesterday to that took me here.

When I got to the exit, it was cold a bit windy, which means if I hurry, I can get to the colony, and maybe Thad's family might help me fix my eyes!

But, as I was following the wind sound to what I hop in is the lair's exit, then I heard snow being stepped on near me...

I sightly turn my head and see the static figure coming closer to me...


V Pov

As it turns its head, I stopped and noticed that the "girl" worker drone has a broken visor.

Great! I can just slash her without her noticing me!

When she turned her head back, proving that she can't see me, I continue to get close to her. I was behind her back and as I pulled out my hand knives, and about to grab head and torso...



I got up as I saw her running away.


I'm so adding her to my collection when I catch her and suck all her oil out!


Uzi Pov

Crap, crap, crap! I need hit her with something quick. I wish I still had my sick rail gun!

I quickly scanned and notice a broken pipe on the ground. Prefect! I grabbed it and stood still to wait for an attack.



......Wait a second..... is that wings flapping?!!

I scanned and noticed that she is about to strike me down from the sky!!!

I immediately threw the pipe at her, hoping it will hit something when she got close.

Judging by the sounds, she cursed (again...) and crashed in a pile on dead drones. I walked over to her to check if she's down.  After I did, I literally kicked her ass for good measure!

"Bite me, you f***cking busty toaster!"

Right when I began walk away, I started to hear menacing laughter... oh no.

???: "With pleasure~***!!!"

I then felt myself being tied up and lifted into the air.


Don't worry! The next part will be longer than this! ';3 

I hope you guys like it though! XD

Blind UziOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora