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I had been woken up by my alarm, I was about to press snooze, until I got a call early in the morning.

"Yeji, you finally answered!"

"Lia, why are you calling me this early in the morning?"

"EARLY?! YEJI, IT'S 1:45 PM!"


"Lia, call me later I need to go! Bye!!"

I ended the call and jumped out of bed.
"First day of work and I'm gonna be late!" I screamed.

I changed and made coffee. I didn't take a shower, I quickly drank the coffee and grabbed my bag. I left my apartment and got in my car. I checked the time and it was 1:57, my work starts at 2:06. I have 9 minutes to get to work. I drove as fast as I can, I went a little over the speed limit.

I arrived at the hotel just in time and I went in the staff room. I checked my schedule on my phone. I was on room service, I headed to the call room and waited for calls.

Minutes go by and there's a call, another worker answers it and told us that a customer from room 309 wants more pillows. I grabbed a couple pillows and headed to the elavator. I took a deep sigh as I pressed the button to the 3rd floor. At least tomorrow is Saturday.

I arrived at the 3rd floor and looked for their room, I knocked. No one answered so I opened the door with my keys. I went to go place the pillows on the bed until I heard someone speak up.

"Is that room service?" They asked.

"Yes, I have the extra pillows you requested." I replied half awake.

They came out of the bathroom and bowed, I bowed back and handed her the pillows. Before leaving I stared at her up and down, she was really pretty and had blonde highlights.

"Have a nice day!" I waved and left the room.

I went back to the call room and almost fell asleep as I waited for calls, but for some reason all I could think of was the girl who asked for more pillows...


After 8 hours of work it was time for me to go home! I got in my car and drove home, when I arrived I changed and jumped to bed ready to go to sleep. Until, I remembered that I was supposed to call Lia back. I grabbed my phone and called her.

"Hello? Lia?"

"Yeji? Why'd you call?"

"Why did you call me today at 1?"

"Oh, I was going to ask you if you wanted to come tomorrow. Yuna, Chaeryeong, and I are going to the movies tomorrow."

"I don't think I'm gonna come, sorry.."

"No worries, it's okay! Maybe next time."

"Anyways, I'm gonna head to sleep, you three have fun!"

"We will, good night!"

I ended the call and drifted off to sleep.

I woke up at 10 in the morning. I got up and opened my window letting the breeze of the wind in. I decided to get a bit of exercise, I changed and walked to the park. Once I got there I jogged for a bit, I started to shiver when I felt the cold wind brushing against my body. I should've brought a jacket.

I wasn't paying attention to my surroundings and I accidentally bumped into someone. I turned to them to apologize but I froze when I saw it was the girl who asked for more pillows.

"Oh, I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention." I apologized to them as I bowed.

"Wait.. You're the girl that brought me my pillows." She responded. "Don't worry about it, it's okay!"

Mouth slightly opened as I stared her up and down once again.

"Oh yeah, you caught my eye yesterday, but I couldn't get your name. By any chance can you tell me your name?" She asked me with a smile showing me her whisker dimples.

"I'm Hwang Yeji, and you are?" I responded trying to avoid eye contact since my eyes looked dead.

"I'm Shin Ryujin!" She exclaimed. "I need to go now but here."

She grabbed a sticky note from her pocket and wrote something on it. "Here's my number, call me sometime?" She took my hand and gave me the piece of paper and walked away waving.

I stood there frozen.. 'What just happened?!'
I was wondering with so many thoughts in my head. I opened the folded yellow sticky note. It had her number on it and a smiley face.

I kept jogging for a bit, then headed back to my apartment. For breakfast, I made an egg sandwich. As I was eating the name "Shin Ryujin" was echoing in my head.

I finished my breakfast and washed the dishes.

I called Lia and she answered.

"Lia, have you guys watched the movie yet?"

"Not yet, why?"

"I think I changed my mind, can I come with you guys?"

"Oh, sure!" "Good thing you changed your mind, now we don't have to call a taxi to get there!"

"So what time should I pick you guys up?"

"Probably by 12:15."

"Alright, bye!"


I decided to go with them so that I could get my mind off of Shin Ryujin. I checked the time and it was 11:48. I showered and changed into black trousers and a white long sleeved t-shirt.

By the time I finished getting ready it was 12:01. I brushed hair and packed my side bag that Yuna got me for my birthday. After I finished up, I went to go pick everyone up.

First, I picked up Chaeryeong since she lived the closet to me. Then Yuna, and lastly, I picked up Lia.

"What time does the movie start at?" I asked Chaeryeong who was sitting in the front seat.

"It starts at 12:25." Chaeryeong responded and scrolled through her phone.

"How come Chaeryeong unnie is in the front seat?" Yuna asked as I saw her pouting through the front view mirror.

"Because she was here before you." I responded.

Yuna crossed her arms and we all let out a laugh because on Yuna's reaction. We arrived at the movie theaters and I bought my ticket at the machine, everyone else already had their tickets. Sadly, I had to sit one seat apart from everyone because it was the closest available seat.

We bought our popcorn, and drinks. We showed our tickets and headed to theater 3.
We were going to watch Spider-Man: No Way Home.

We went to our seats and to my right was some random man, but to my surprise the person to my left was Shin Ryujin.

a/n: IM BACKK!! Hope y'all support this book as much as y'all support the other one! Also, TYSM FOR 1K READS ON MY FIRST BOOK!! 💓

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