Chapter 2 Moriarty

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The corvette pulls up to a fully glass building in the middle of London
"He chose his new building to be in the middle of London, interesting." Hally mutters getting out of the car.
She fixes her blazer walking into the building.
"Hello, Maranda. How are you!" Hally says as she walks up to the front desk
"Hello, Ms. Embers. I'm doing fine, hope you are as well. Go ahead back there, I'll let him know you're here" Maranda says with a smile pressing a button to open the door. 
Hally walks through and knocks on the frosted glass door.

"Come in darling!" Moriarty says in his sing-song voice. She opens the door with a little smile  "Hi James, how've you been?" Hally says sitting down in a chair
"Good, daddy misses you" he says with a pout before asking "Tea?" Hally nods
"Black" she states simply
"Black" He echoes to the person standing at the door who leaves
"So, I heard from a little birdy that you are going to have someone watch over...Sherlock Holmes"
"Word travels fast huh?" Hally says slightly annoyed he knew. The worker comes back and sets the tray of tea on the desk and leaves the room.
"Indeed it does, sugar and cream right?" He asks.
"Yes,  and don't think just because we are business partners that I'm going to turn my back on Mycroft." Moriarty licks the spoon he used for his tea and stirs Hallys
"Oh I know Hally, but you don't come crawling back to me when Mr. Iceman breaks your heart" He says sliding the tea cup to her. Hally takes a sip making and effort not to make eye contact with him

"What? You think I fancy Mycroft? What are we fifteen?" She says rolling her eyes before speaking again.
"Now let's get to business. Why do you need 40 pounds of herion?" Hally asks quirking her brow
"Why do you own forty pounds of herion?" Moriarty asks in a mocking tone.
Hally sighs as moriarty starts to speak once more "I need it  to persuade a few clients to do a few favors" Hally stifles a laugh "Alright James, I'll have it here by tomorrow. Okay?" Hally says finishing her tea
"Good girl" He says with a smirk.
Hally stands and shakes Moriarty's hand before leaving the building. As Hally exits the building she texts Mycroft.
'Willow is moving into the apartment below. I will visit her often, so both of us can keep an eye on them.  H.E.' 
'Thank you, Hally. Let me know when you would like to cash in the favor.  M.H.'
'When the time comes, darling. H.E'
Hally smirks a bit getting into her car once more.

Word count: 455

2 chapters back to back! :D

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