Chapter 5: Questioning

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"So who was the one responsible for reporting Miss Flowers?" The cop asked back at the station, the group then pointed to a drunken Kim before she announced "That would be me, your honor!" The cop raised an eyebrow before turning back to Scott and his friends. "So, Ramona. You're currently being accused of stealing from the second hand store at that shopping district you guys were at?" The cop asked looking at some records, Ramona agreed and eventually caved in. "Alright, yes. The allegations are true. But I had to do it! I was out of money and the whole gift idea was thanks to Young Neil over there." Ramona confessed. Scott went pale in the face at this statement before a beer can was then thrown in his face. "Lock her up, officer!" Kim shouted pointing to Ramona. "Oh...And lock Neil up too for the idea of getting a gift." Neil started to shake in his boots, thinking that he'd be locked up. 

"Miss Flowers. I'd ask you come with me for questioning while your friends wait out here." The cop said escorting Ramona out of the room. Scott and the others were still trying to process what had happened, while still aware that their theory was finally debunked. "I knew Ramona stole something." Steven said. "I mean you can't exactly blame her, she didn't have any money." Scott shrugged. "Well, maybe Kim is right, Scott. Maybe it's my fault she stole. I mean I was the one responsible for wanting to get a gift in the first place." Neil said feeling guilty for his suggestion. "Neil, you're just as much of an average Joe as Scott is. We know it wasn't your intention. All you wanted to do was perform an act of generosity, and that we can commend. But it isn't your fault for Ramona's actions." Steven reassured. Scott agreed and waited with the others.

"So tell me what happened?" The cop asked sitting across from Ramona. "Well, my friends and I were heading to a party. And the idea of getting a gift was brought up, so I thought we'd stop by the shopping district and get a gift." Ramona explained. "When I picked out what I wanted to get, I open my wallet and all I see was 20 cents and some gum wrappers." The cop took note of Ramona's story and wrote it on a piece of paper. "Alright. Anything else?" Ramona thought for a second before explaining the rest of the story. "Alright, I think I know what needs to be done here." The cop sighed picking up his clipboard and pen before exiting the room. 

Back outside, everybody was talking while Kim passed out from drinking too much. "Hope everything is ok back there." Neil whispered. Soon, the cop came back out and approached the group. "Alright, everyone. Miss Flowers will be staying with us for 2 nights. Cuz she stole 2 things, and its one night per item." The cop explained. "Sounds fair enough." Scott shrugged. "Another thing you might wanna consider is taking your friend to the hospital." The cop said pointing over to Kim. "Yeah. We'll do that." Steven said getting up from his seat. "Guess we'd better get going." They then left the police station while Ramona was escorted to a jail cell. 

Next stop, the hospital.

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