"Stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, STOP!!"

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"John!" Saffron yelled, grabbing the attention of the military man. He was helping carry a few things to the light tower they were building.

It's been about four days since Saffron's escapade with the Robinson kids. Her ankle has been much better since she was put on mandatory bed rest by Judy. She can now walk around with only a slight limp that's hardly noticeable.

During that time, the other survivors that John and Maureen found all got together and brainstormed a way to contact The Resolute. Saffron could tell you the exact science behind what they are doing, but let's just say, "Build a bright tower, see from space, Resolute: Yay survivors, send help." It's basically a giant S.O.S. beam.

"What's up, kid?" Saffron's drifting thoughts were brought back to the man she called over.

"Hey, I was just wondering if you could grab some more Mylar foil from the Jupiter." Saffron felt bad asking him to do her heavy lifting when she knew she was more than capable of doing it. She cursed her stupid ankle.

"Sure, no problem." John patted Saffron's shoulder before walking off toward the Jupiter.

As Saffron waited for him to get back, she saw the kid, Vijay--whom she ran into during her forest adventure--with his back towards her. Saffron walked over to him, and he didn't see her coming. A wicked smile stretched across her face as she leaned next to him, getting her face in his.

"Boo," Saffron whispered, smiling mischievously. Vijay jumped back in surprise, nearly tripping over Saffron's foot, but she smoothly flipped to his front on light feet and caught him by the front of his shirt. He found his footing, and Saffron let go, smoothing down his crumpled shirt. "Woah there, princess. Someone was focused."

"Jeez, you scared me, Saffron." The girl laughed as Vijay sighed and went back to work. "Did you need me for something?" Saffron leaned against the cargo container next to her.

"Nah, just came to bug you." Vijay looked up and glowered at Saffron as she saw John leave the Jupiter with the storage box. "There's my guy. See ya later, princess."

"Stop calling me that!" Saffron heard Vijay yell at her as she walked off. She snickered to herself before coming up to John.

"What's so funny?" He asked as he set down the box for her.

"Ah, nothing much. Thanks again." John nodded as he started to walk off.

"I'm going to check the perimeter fence again." Saffron's easy smile dropped slightly, and she stopped him. She lowered her voice so the other colonists couldn't hear.

"I really think you ought to stop worrying so much, if anything happens, I know you can deal with it."

"Yeah, but I'd rather not deal with it." He turned and left, and Saffron sighed to herself. She felt really terrible about keeping the whereabouts of Robot a secret, but she promised Will, and she was not breaking that promise anytime soon.

Saffron worked for a little longer before something caught her eye. She looked up, wiping sweat off her brow, to see Maureen hauling a large pulley behind her. She looked like she was trying to go unnoticed by the busy crowd. Saffron furrowed her brow, deciding it was best to leave her up to her own devices. She's smart. There's no reason for her to get involved. Saffron shrugged happily to herself before going back to unloading her box.

"Saffron!" The girl turned and saw Vijay's dad, the colonist representative, walk up to her.

"Ah, Mr. Dhar, to what do I owe this pleasure," Saffron said sarcastically. While it is fun to bother Vijay, she doesn't like this guy all that much, seeing how he yelled at his son in the forest. Victor came up to Saffron, looking somewhere behind her. Saffron turned around to follow his gaze and saw it land on Maureen heading to a Chariot, John behind her.

Lost in Space - OC insertOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora