"You're awake"

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Saffron woke up quickly when the ship shook slightly. Her hands tightly gripped the edge of the bed. Her brow furrowed in sudden confusion. Where the heck am I? She tried to sit up but had to stop as a wave of vertigo washed over her. She blinked furiously, trying to get the drowsiness out of her eyes, and the fog out of her head.

She turned her head and looked around at her surroundings. She noticed she was in a Jupiter med bay, but this one was way nicer than her damaged one. She paused as she remembered the events of the day before. Or maybe that was today? She must've been brought to Maureen's Jupiter. Saffron looked to her left and saw a vitals monitor and an IV rack. She followed the tubing and saw it connected to the back of her hand. She shuddered at the thought of the small tubing under her skin.

She tried to sit up, more slowly this time. The thin gray blanket fell from her upper body, revealing new bandages that were much neater and cleaner than hers had been. She also noticed that she still wasn't wearing a shirt. She looked back to her right and saw another gurney, with a long-sleeved white shirt nicely folded and sitting on the bed. Saffron slowly swung her legs over the right side of the bed she was currently on and reached for the shirt.

She picked up the material and studied it. It was pretty stretchy but soft. She rubbed her fingers over it, almost excited to put on the nice fabric. Just as she was about to stretch the fabric over her head, she remembered the IV she was hooked to. She dropped her hands to her lap in sudden annoyance. Deep breaths. Don't get angry. Saffron gently brought her hand up, examining the IV injection site. She could barely understand what was happening, with all the little clasps and different colored tubing. No way she was going to figure out how to unhook just the line. She tightly screwed her eyes shut before just ripping the line out. She let out a short grunt of discomfort, before relaxing.

She quickly turned back to the nice shirt and threw it on. The material stretched over her head nicely. Most of it gathered at her wrists, making the V-neck stretch and expose most of her collarbone and bra straps. She decided to sit and wait for her headache to subside before doing anything.


Saffron stood at the open doorway of the med bay not even a few minutes later. It didn't take long for the girl to get bored. Surprisingly, when they designed the med bay they didn't add the little painted dinosaur to look at. Like the ones, they add in children's clinics. Would make that room way less boring.

Saffron didn't hear anybody around so she stepped into the hallway. She didn't know what to do, so leaning on the wall lightly for support, she made her way over to the Hub. It was empty, with a few boxes of parts on the table. She walked over to the table and started examining the boxes' contents.

"What are you doing up?" Saffron heard a surprised voice behind her. She turned on her heel and saw a girl, who didn't look much older than herself. She didn't say anything and just stared at the girl. She sighed before walking over to her. "You shouldn't be up and walking around right now." She came over to Saffron and pinched her chin between practiced fingers. She gently turned Saffron's head to examine her wound. She was too shocked to do anything, so she just let the girl maneuver her head. Noticing how tense she was, the girl sighed again. "My name is Judy Robinson-" Saffron perked up at the name, "-and I'm the resident doctor here." Saffron's look changed to one of surprise, but still didn't say anything. Judy smiled slightly as if reading Saffron's thoughts. "Yes I know I'm young, but I went through all the required training. I'm 17 by the way." Instead of waiting for a response Judy knelt and pulled up the bottom of Saffron's shirt. Saffron stepped back in shock, her hands went behind her and gripped the table. Judy's fingers lightly touched certain parts of her bandages. She made a note every time Saffron winced from her touch.

Lost in Space - OC insertTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang