"Are you okay?"

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"Turn around," Will told Robot. He didn't want him to die. But after what he just saw in Robot's memories on the Resolute... He had to know if he could trust him. If he was dangerous. Will watched as Robot turned around, facing the cliffside. "N-now walk forward." He hesitantly eyed Robot as he started walking forward in big clunky steps. "No. Wait!" Will yelled suddenly. Robot stopped, one foot hovering in the air right above the cliff. "Come back." Will studied Robot carefully as he turned around. Looking at his lights, Will watched them calmly swirl around his face, even after almost walking to his doom.

Will stood there as Robot came up to him and got down on one knee, Will following suit. He stared into his ever-changing face. He's changed now, from the moment Will found him in that tree. He almost walked off a cliff because Will told him to. Willy slowly lifted his hand and rested it at the top of his chest plate, near his neck.

As they held there for a moment, Will's gaze slid behind the robot in front of him. His face paled as he slowly stood up, Robot mimicking his actions. Will didn't take his eyes off the sight below him as he lifted his wrist and spoke into the radio.

"Mom. Dad?" Will spoke nervously.

"Will!" Maureen's voice breaks through the radio.

"Will, where are you?!" Will heard his dad's frantic voice crackle to life.

"I-I'm fine, but I think there is something you should see." Will tore his eyes away and sent his location to his parent's wrist devices. When he looked back up, he saw Robot had turned around to see what he was looking at.

"Will!" He turned at the sound of his name and saw his mom pushing her way through the vegetation. "What are you doing out here?" She kneeled in front of her son and put her hands on his arms, brushing off specs of dirt.

"We- we were exploring." Will stuttered out. John walked over and clamped a hand on his son's shoulder.

"Well, how about no more exploring?" Will felt his dad start to pull him away before he stopped them.

"Wait!" Will said, turning back to look off the cliff.

"What is it?" Will heard his dad say from behind him. He heard the rustle of clothes and assumed his mom had turned to look too.

"John-" Maureen whispered as she moved closer to Will. All three of them were now looking at the bright orange "J-21" paint peeking out from under bushes. "A Jupiter."

- - - -

The trio made their way over to where Will had spotted the fallen Jupiter. As they approached the rear airlock, Robot froze in his spot.

"Danger. Will Robinson." His low automated voice spoke. Maureen stopped and grabbed Will's arm to stop him too. John kept walking forward, inspecting the busted airlock door frame. He crouched slightly and turned, holding up a hand to his wife and son behind him, telling them to stay where they were.

John walked in, keeping his footsteps silent. A skill that was ingrained in him through his military training. He kept a hand on the wall so he could tell where he was going. Why are the lights out? John was on edge as he silently walked through the Jupiter, Robot's warning to Will running through his mind. He had no idea what could be dangerous in here, but it couldn't be other survivors, which meant he was either about to find wild creatures and dead people, or some other type of dangerous flora/fauna. Either way, it didn't look good.

Right as John was about to walk into the main hub, he saw a large, dark form. He paused until the red light above the bulkhead doors flashed, illuminating the behind of an animal. He quickly moved behind the wall, pressing his back against the support, holding his breath. He took a moment to control his breathing before peering around the corner again. The beast didn't seem to notice him as it was busy trying to break down the control center doors, pawing at the bottom and sniffing the door loudly. There must be survivors in there. John immediately knew he had to get that thing out of there somehow. He silently retreated to the rear airlock and stepped outside.

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