The Great Power the Reaper Possesses

Start from the beginning

Then he get his large body starting to slide back.

"...I'm definitely stronger than you..."

...Y/n then glanced up at the giant with a new look that nobody has ever seen him before.


His eyes that glowed black, it covers all of his eyes as it glows brighter and brighter as he starts to build more momentum in this strength contest.

Meter by meter as Y/n continues to use his willpower to push the big man back, everyone was shocked at the second wind Y/n had in him during the match.

"What the-" even his opponent was appalled as his sudden burst of strength, trying to push back but showed his true nature against Y/n.

"What's going on?!"

"...Heh..." the Reaper chuckles with a sadistic smile.

"...You can't beat everything with muscles..."

"...The mind is a valuable... yet the strongest thing you could ever have..."

"...If you're not strong in your head..."

"...You can never beat anyone with a greater willpower..."

"...Especially... me..."


Kazehaya High was standing in place, everyone witnessing what was going on from one side of the field as the two adjoined figures were fighting.

The players were believing that Y/n was delaying the inevitable only to find that someone so heavy and so strong was getting pushed back all of a sudden. "Oi! Y/n is moving the fat man!" One of his teammates yells as they cheered on their captain.

Their smiles were wide, maybe they were gonna win this after all.

Or so they thought as they see a few players from the other team get behind their ace and starts pushing. It stopped Y/n for a second, trying not to give in just yet as the tables were turning once more.

"Oh shit... SCRUM!" One of them immediately spots the situation between the group, Noodle who was running to Y/n and waving the others to join. "Let's go! With the power of teamwork and friendship, let's get that ball back!"

"Yeah!" They all screamed and joined Y/n on his side to prove their chemistry and combined strength were overpowering. Soon the blue and white joins their ace as the scrum begins.

That showed Y/n a sign to drop the ball to get a better grip at his rival as he grabs his shoulders and starts pushing harder against the wall in front of him.

It was obvious that with Y/n's amazing inner strength, his team was able to snatch the ball up from the ground and continue to play for a try.

Everyone... except for Y/n as he still fought against the large boy. "H-Hey... The scrum is over..."

He places his hands on his jersey and starts pushing him back. "Woah! Woah! Woah! S-Stop!" He begs and tries to push him back and fails.

"Come on! Th-The scrum is over! Get off-"

"It's not about the scrum now..."

That took his attention as his hair cowers over his eyes, a tear falls from his cheek as the smile was growing more and more.

"This is... for my team..."

He looks up at him.

"For my girlfriend..."

His hands clenched harder onto his shirt and gives one last push.

"And this is... FOR MY PRIDE!"

Gamo-chan x Silent/Cold Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now