Part 51 "Scarred"

Start from the beginning

(He's not sad. Just tired..... Maybe)

The green color reminded him of the emerald eyes of the woman he cared about.

Vorgen: "If only you were here...... " He whispered quietly, staring at the necklace in his hand.











????: "YOU!!! I knew it!!"

Vorgen: "Wuhh--?????!!!!!! "

Vorgen jumped in surprise from his seat and hurriedly placed the necklace back into his satchel.

What he saw when he turned to look behind him was A female Warden fully equipped in armor, pointing her sword at him. The warden was none other than Mordred who was in search of her precious belonging.

Mordred: "I finally found You, i know who you are"

Vorgen: "O-oh... "

'The Cat is finally out of the bag. Shit... What should i say to her' He panicked inside his head.


Vorgen: "Ha....? Apa wha??!"

Vorgen expression of surprise was replaced with that of a confused one.
She called him a thief hut he didn't know what he had stolen for him to be called a thief.

Mordred: "Give it back!! Or I'll cut your fingers one by one!!"

He didn't know what she mean and instead he decided to just play dumb.

Vorgen: "Ég skil ekki hvað þú átt við"
(I don't understand what you mean)

Mordred: "Don't pretend like you don't understand what I'm saying. You were there in that tavern.... You were there with Gareth. I know that Viking language is not the only language you speak"

Vorgen was confused and scared. Mordred looked furious and Vorgen did not know why.

Mordred: "Last warning..... " She drew her Longsword and took a fighting stance, ready to fight.

Vorgen: "Oh... Fokk þetta, ég er farinn" (Oh... Fuck this shit, I'm out)

And so.

Vorgen immediately fucking dipped. He fucking ran with all his might.

He knew that the sword wielding woman was not fucking around.

Mordred: "Don't you run away from me you, coward!!!"

Vorgen: "Shit shit shit shit shit SHIT!!!"

Mordred: "Die!"


Vorgen: "EEEEEKKKK!!!!"

Mordred swung her sword with the intent to kill, but Vorgen like the slippery bastard that he was, dodged and ducked to avoid being cut down.

Mordred: "Diiiiie!!"


Vorgen: "AAAAIIEEE!!!"

Mordred: "You slippery son of a bitch!  Stop dodging so i can slice you in half!!"

'What the hell? she is being unreasonable!'

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