"Félix!" I yelped, gripping his forearm tightly, attempting to push away the grip he has on me.

"I want to dance." Is all he says.

I gave up trying to make an escape, and instead let Félix take the lead, placing a hand on his shoulder, my other hand in his own.

"What are you doing?" I ask him, trying not to trip over my feet. "Trying to embarrass me?"

"Not at all, M" Félix said smoothly. "Just trying to make my dear cousin jealous."

"He wouldn't get jealous over me," I insisted. I wanted to get off this dance floor as quickly as possible. "It's not like that."

"His girl dancing with another guy? Who wouldn't that make jealous?"

"I'm not his girl," I said, though I can't fight back the blush creeping up my cheeks.

Judging by the look on his face, Félix obviously knew I was lying through my teeth. Then he gave a small sigh, and an unusually serious expression came over his face. I found it disconcerting that his charming smile wasn't in place. The outfit didn't help.

"What is it?" I pressed when he remained silent.

"I'm not trying to sound rude, M, but you don't know Adrien like the rest of us do. You don't know just exactly how happy he used to be before Emilie went missing. Last year he had this face put on and I couldn't stand it. I guess he finally decided to drop the act."

I was taken aback by the abrupt change in conversation. Why was he bringing this up?

"I know that," I said hesitantly. "Charlene basically said the same thing."

I would never know that side of Adrien, and I found it strangely painful. The real person Adrien had been back then was long gone. I doubted he would ever return. It was an unusual feeling, missing someone I'd never known.

"Because she's right," Félix said. "You don't see the change in him that we're seeing. He's different. He's... happy. It's like the act he put on last year is now real. Real happiness."

I kept my eyes fixed on my feet, trying to keep my mind from jumping to ridiculous theories about Adrien and his happiness. It wasn't working.

"And you think... you think I'm the reason he's happy?"

"I think you're playing a big part in it."

Wasn't that what I'd been trying to do from the very beginning? I don't know. All I know is that I can't take my eye off Adrien. Even after Félix telling me all of this. He could still get in trouble.

"Don't doubt yourself," Félix said, tugging me away from my distracting thoughts.

"I don't—"

"I just wanted to tell you that you shouldn't doubt what you are to Adrien. Because you are something. And I love my cousin. I like seeing him happy. We all do."

A smile tugged at the corners of my mouth before I could stop it. I liked Félix. He was typical for a guy his age the majority of the time, but he was also pretty perceptive. I could see myself being his friend.

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