One big fairytale

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Looking into their faces, Emma saw the expectations. Something she is grateful for these days is that no one expects her to be just one specific way. Her family and friends respect every part of her. Her silliness, her sense of humour and her obsessions but also the bad parts: her walls, her impulsiveness and even her magic, wherever that be a good or bad thing. She doesn't miss it. These looks they gave her when she fell out of character all of a sudden. She hated it. All of it.

And suddenly she got really angry, not just at them but also at herself. Tears started to build up in her eyes.

Why did she ever let anybody control her? This was her life and not the one of anybody else but apparently everybody else thought otherwise.

It's like a switch was turned inside of her. She had learned over the years that running away is not gonna solve your problems but right now she couldn't handle this situation. So she runs.

Out of her seat and out of the house down the street and straight towards the woods. She knew that Killian was gonna look for her but at this moment she didn't want to be found. The docks would've been the first place he'd look for her. The woods on the other hand where deep and it'd take them hours to find her if she found the right place.

All Emma could think about while running was how she was always told what to do. How she had to be a certain way with these people. She couldn't handle it anymore. It was all too much and she was breaking apart under the pressure.

She didn't hear Killian and all the others running out of the house and trying to keep up with her or Killian yelling at her to please stop and talk about all of it. They eventually lost her but Emma just kept running and running into the deeps of the woods.

When she finally stopped it wasn't because she couldn't walk anymore but because she tripped over a branch. Laying on the floor, she just crys and crys for hours. No one found her. It's getting dark outside by now and she's still on the floor.

She doesn't feel the power in her to get up. This is all just a big mess. She wants the doctor squad out of town and that as soon as possible. But how is she supposed to do that? How will she manage to get them out of this town when no one, including herself can leave without turning into God knows what?

There has to be a way! She can't stand it any longer! They're constantly reminding her of her past and all the things she did wrong in her life, including the biggest mistake she's ever made: marrying a man she didn't love.

She finally has had enough. Turning her sadness into anger she starts walking back towards the town and straight to the mayors mansion.

When the door finally opens after Emma banging against it at least 5 times she finds a sleepy Regina Mills in front of her and a tired Henry walking down the stairs.

"Emma!?" They both ask in in synchron. "What are you doing here? It's already past 1 am." Regina asks immediately after that.

"Henry, go back to bed, I need to talk to your mom alone please." Emma says, ignoring Regina's question.

Henry just nods, says his 'good night' and walks back up the stairs.

When Emma hears the door clicking shut behind her son she turns to Regina and starts to explain.

"They need to get out of here! ASAP!" Is the only thing she tells the mayor.

Regina in return looks a bit confused at first but than she seems to finally understand.

"Emma, you know I'm doing my best with the memory potion and the spell for the wall but couldn't this have waited till tomorrow? I still need my sleep, you know?" The brunette questions softly.

"No!" Emma exclaims, taking the former Queen by surprise. "They need to get out of here ASAP!I don't know how and where but I want them out! They're ruining everything and I can't let that happen. Not now that I finally found my family. I just ... I-I can't, Th-they can't ... please just ... just make it stop!" At the end Emma is a sobbing mess and can't hold herself up anymore, so she breaks down, falling to the floor and crying her eyes out.

Regina's right there, holding her and slowly rocking her back and forth. She doesn't know what to do other than that because she's never seen her best friend like this. This sad ... this broken.

Theses people be damned! What did they do to her!? Regina doesn't recognise this woman in front of her. The Emma she knows is strong and never shows any hurt. She keeps it all bottled up. Regina knows that sooner or later it would come back to bite the saviour in the bottom but she didn't think it'd be this bad.

They sit on the floor for hours. Emma crying her eyes out and Regina trying to sooth her. When the loud sobs finally cascade into small whimpers Regina helps Emma up onto her feet and walks her up the stairs, to the guest room. There's no way she's gonna let the saviour go home in this state of mind that she's in. So, she lays Emma down on the soft bed and pulls the covers over her.

"If you need anything, I'm just down the hall. Don't hesitate, I'm not gonna be mad if you wake me up at any point. I want to make sure you're alright, okay?" The brunette asks softly, making the blonde nod.

Regina walks out of the room and Emma is left alone with her thoughts.

She finds herself thinking about how this is the first time in forever that she's alone in a bed and there's no one snuggling into her. It feels cold and she misses the warmth that her boyfriend and daughter always provide.

Curling in on herself she thinks about how bad of a mother she is to Hope. Just running out of the house while her daughter always has these nightmares. She feels so bad and worthless. It's almost like she's 17 all over again.


The tears fall from her eyes immediately, without her permission. She's a mess, no wonder no one wanted her. In the end, what she told Chase all those years ago was true. She is messed up and unfixable. Not even her son or daughter could change that.

With these thoughts and the tears still streaming down her face she crys herself to sleep. One that is the only way for her to escape this torture that she calls her mind.


Ok, I'm sorry that this chapter is so depressing but I'm gonna make it up with the next one, I promise.🤞🏻

But, OMG another 3 months have past and it's already march again. I can't believe this story is almost 1 year old. My baby is growing up. 🥺😂

Anyway, I've got some news: I'm planning on publishing another House M.D. story 🤗 I'm not sure yet if it's gonna be another crossover, which when I think about it would be really interesting considering the beginning of the story, but it's DEFINITELY gonna be a House and Cameron story. 😌🤞🏻

Speaking of, what the HELL did Amazon have in mind when they threw House M.D. out of Prime!? Like, are you freaking kidding me!? I need that show not only for mental support but also for my biology homework!!! No shit, you learn a lot from that show and because I have to analyse some diseases right now my mom (thankfully) bought me two episodes, but 3€ for ONE episode? That's WAY too much, man! And I'm kidding you not, I want to punch the person responsible for this!

Ok, sry for that outburst. I just REALLY want to watch some of the show right now but I can't because of that arrangement. 😪

Ok, coming back to other stuff. Do you guys get as much homework as I do? Like, you'd think they aren't that much but when you start doing them you realise how much work it actually is. I'm getting a LOT of homework right now, mostly (thankfully) just writing something but still. I also have my first exam in 2 weeks: English. I'm SUPER excited for that (I'm probably the first person that's excited about an exam 🧐) but also really nervous. I hope I'm not in one of the last groups ... that'd suck, we'd have to wait 2 hours in a room with no phones and only ourselfs to talk to. That'll be some LONG 2 hours if it happens. Or maybe I'll just take some game with me OR I continue writing this story. Let me know what you'd do!🧐😃

Ok, I think this is it for today, have a great week guys and I hope you all stay save, can go on vacation soon and please don't forget to wear your mask for your own and others safety.

Love u guys

This is my new lifeحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن