Sneak peeks

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The video you see above is a sneak peek to a show I've been obsessed with lately. I absolutely love this scene and this episode in general. The people working on this show did such a good job and I thought I really needed to appreciate this here for one. 🦋
"Wha- ... I mean What!?" Regina was in shock to say the least. How could her best friend of years now not have told her this? This was huge and Regina did understand that Emma might have been traumatised of that experience but just how could she have never talked about this to anyone.

"Umm ... I think this is a lot to process and if you don't wanna talk to me right now or ever again that's totally understandable. Hell, I would even get it if you hate me now because believe me, I hate myself for what I did and like I said this is probably a lot to-"

"Emma! Stop it! I don't hate you!" Emma looked at her perplexed.

"You don't?"

"I don't. But you're right, this takes a bit to settle in. Just ... give me a day to process. If you wanna go home now I'm not holding you back but please text or call me when you get home." Emma gave her a grateful smile and was about to leave when Regina spoke once more. "Oh and Emma?" She blond turned around to face her friend once more. "I don't want to force you into anything but you might want to tell Killian all of this. If I'm correct he doesn't know about any of this and telling him might just make him understand you a bit more." This time it was Regina's turn to smile at Emma who was frowning at her a bit.

"I know you only mean good Regina but I know Killian. He would start asking questions that I'm not ready to answer yet. If you couldn't tell already ... I'm not really into talking about this matter. Please ... let's just keep it between us for now." Regina gave a nod and with that Emma left.

What was Regina supposed to do with this information now? She knew that it must be something really bad if Emma hasn't ever talked about it to anyone. How could she help her friend if she had no idea what she was going through. Emma was right, Regina isn't one to judge but she'd still like to know what she just confronted her friend with. How bad can a memory be that it literally sets you into a panic attack almost immediately? That's a question Regina had no answer to. Sure, she had her fair share of bad memories but nothing that went that deep. So, what to do? And who was Emma pregnant from? Was it that Chase guy? What happened to the baby? Did she give it up for adoption as well and if she did why had Regina never heard about it? A million questions went through the mayor's head. In the end she decided that she needed a break from all this thinking and went downstairs to the kitchen where her phone suddenly started ringing.


"Hey Regina, its Emma. Remember you told me to call when I'm home. Well, I am."

"Oh, right! Well, glad that you're safe."

"Alright, I'll talk to you later Reg! Bye!"

"Bye!" And with that they both hung up the phone.

Seriously, what was Regina supposed to do?

Meanwhile Emma let out a relieved sigh, turning around towards her house. Somehow she felt kinda sick to her stomach. This was unusual to her. Normally she'd be so happy and excited to get home but now? She just wanted to turn around and run away. But she couldn't. She couldn't leave her little girl alone. So, instead she took the steps to the front door that it took and put her key in, opening the door. As soon as the door was closed a deep voice spoke up.

"Oh, look who we've got here." Turning around, she was met with House's grin, coming from the couch in the living room.

"Where are Killian and Hope?" Emma asked instead ignoring his comment completely.

"I'll tell you if you tell me where you ran off to." Internally Emma was punching House straight in the face at that moment.

In the end she decided to just leave the man on the couch and go search for them herself. Coming up empty handed she decided that Killian probably took their daughter out for some ice cream or lunch at Granny's. Instead of going there Emma decided to leave them their daddy-daughter time and went down to the living room again, fully knowing that House would be in there. Walking into the room, the man was lying across the whole couch now, so without hesitating Emma took his legs and threw them off the couch in order to sit down herself only getting a 'heyyyy' and a fake pout that reminded her a little bit too much of the old days when she was still working at PPTH.

"You gonna tell me where you went off to now or will I have to guess? And believe me if I do nobody knows how it'll turn out." House said with a smirk.

Rolling her eyes Emma replied: "If you must know, I went to see a friend. I needed to talk to someone that is not involved in this, whatever this is."

It was quite for some time where House was eyeing her from his side of the couch.

"What did you do with it?" House finally decided to ask.

Emma knew exactly what he was talking about without even asking or looking at them man sitting next to her. But how was she supposed to explain to him one of the most traumatising experiences of her entire life? Especially after Chase left ... or more like she ran ... again.

"You know, talking about it might help you." Emma snorted at House's comment.

"Yeah and let me guess, you're the best person for that?" She asks finally looking at him.

They were just looking at each other in silence House's look saying 'well, who else is there to tell?' and Emma's look telling him that he was acting like he was on some kind of drugs, which wouldn't be that surprising, after all she had once found him completely out of it in the bathroom, telling her he could see sounds. Before any of them could say anything the door opened, Killian and Hope walking inside. Killian's eyes catch on Emma and he immediately heaves a sight. Meanwhile Hope is already running to her mommy, crawling onto the couch before hugging Emma tightly.

"Mommy we missed you." She cries, holding onto Emma tightly.

Emma scoops her up, hugging her daughter just as tightly.

"I missed you too little duckling." She tells Hope, cuddling her a little.

Then she get up, with her daughter in her arms and walks up to Killian, giving him an apologetic look before asking: "Can we talk?"

Killian's eyes narrow slightly but he still gives in and says: "Alright." Before he presses a kiss to Emma's temple and moves to the kitchen. "Any special wishes for dinner?" He asks.

"Pancakes!" Hope pops her head up from where it was placed on Emma's shoulder.

Both Killian and Emma laugh and Emma spins around with Hope a little, making the toddler giggle.

"No pancakes for dinner silly. Pancakes are for breakfast." Emma tells their daughter whilst chuckling, making Hope pout a little.

"How abouuut ... some pasta instead?" Emma suggests and Hope's eyes lighten up immediately an excited expression taking over her face.

And with that Killian sets about making dinner while Emma brings Hope up to her room to get her changed into more comfortable clothes. Meanwhile House is just watching Killian cook thinking about his and Emma's conversation from earlier and how he'd almost gotten his answered. He knows that if he wants to stay and finally get answers he has to play nice and that also means talking about none of this with Killian.


Boom! There you go! It's been almost a year. I think I'm making this a thing, only posting one chapter per year. 🤔 No, just kidding. Life's been busy the past year and zu deeply apologies that updates are come SO very slowly but I promise I'll try posting more often.

Anyways ... what do we think House knows? Well, I've got a theory but I'm not sharing because my craziest theories have always been proven correct so far and I've never shared those, so we're not starting with that today.

Alright, hope you like this chapter. It's definitely longer than the last one, which I'm pretty proud of and I hope to see you guys next chapter. 🫶🏼

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⏰ Letzte Aktualisierung: May 07 ⏰

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