Dancing in the dark

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Baby, I'm dancing in the dark, with you between my arms
Barefoot on the grass, listening to our favorite song
When I saw you in that dress, looking so beautiful
I don't deserve this, darling, you look perfect tonight

It was insane to watch. One minute she was up on her feet, running. Then, she suddenly fell onto her hands and knees. Her breathing was heavy and uneven and eventually she hit the ground, blacking out. Yaz's family was first off the bleachers, followed by Kenji and Sammy. They forced their way through the crowded seating area. Worry expressed on their faces as they made their way to her.

Yaz's dad was yelling, saying that someone should call 9-1-1. After looking around and realizing most people were too shocked to move, Kenji took it upon himself to do so. He called for an ambulance to come. Yaz's mom went to check on her daughter but she was quickly told to step away from her as school nurses came to see what the commotion had been about.

Yaz's mom shook her head in disbelief as she said,"What do you mean? She's my daughter! Let me see if she's okay!" But she was ignored and forced back. Coach Ash walked over to defend her.

"That's her daughter. Kindly step back." She glowered at the nurse as if threatening her through her eyes. The nurse backed down and stepped out of the way. Yaz's mom went to her side and checked on her.

Her fingers went to her neck to check for a pulse. She felt the rhythmic beating of her heart and let out a sigh of relief. The loud voice around them didn't get any better as a teacher tried to calm everyone down or to usher them out of the Indoor track room.

Her mom stayed by her side as they waited for the ambulance. "What's wrong with her?" Sammy asked as she looked at her best friend who remained passed out and unmoving on the floor.

"I don't know...how long before the ambulance get here?" Yaz's mom asked. They could tell that she was trying to stay calm. Even if she was panicking on the inside, she tried not to show it on her face.

Kenji opened his mouth to speak but as if on cue the double doors swung open and in walked a group of medical professionals. Two caring a stretcher. They all backed up and granted them the space to do what they needed to do. While most of the track team left some of the girls stayed behind to watch.

Coach ash took notice of this and walked to the girls. "You guys did great, you should go home and rest," She said as she placed her hand on both of their shoulders and walked them to the door. She didn't want them to see a fellow team member in such a state.

Two people from team of medics easily got Yaz onto the stretcher and carried her out with her mother following closely behind them. The other two stayed to ask for details in regards to Yasmina's current state. Coach ash went to the girls locker room to retrieve Yaz's bags as well as her coat.

"We don't know why she suddenly fell out. One moment she was running, the next she had suddenly collapsed. Maybe she was overwhelmed," Yaz's dad explained as everyone around nodded.

The two doing the questions nodded as they wrote down the answers provided to them. The others were told that she would be taken to the hospital to have a few tests ran. They needed to ensure that nothing was wrong with her health that could have led to her passing out. Like undiagnosed asthma.

The group soon began discussing plans of following the ambulance to the hospital. Coach Ash wanted to go but she had to make sure things stayed calm here at school. She came back and handed the bags to the Fadoula family while apologizing to them. She felt that maybe she was at fault. She didn't mean to push Yaz so far past her limits that she would pass out.

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