We are still kids

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We are still kids, but we're so in love
Fighting against all odds
I know we'll be alright this time
Darling, just hold my hand
Be my girl, I'll be your man
I see my future in your eyes

"Alright girls gather around!" Yasmina's coach yelled. Today is Thursday, the day before their event. Yasmina was a little bummed that her older siblings and Sammy wouldn't be able to make it. Actually, Scratch that. She was completely bummed that they couldn't make it. She hadn't seen them since the Summer and she really missed them. Seeing their faces would've really lifted her spirits and given her the motivation to carry on. Especially with the way her leg was hurting. And damn did it hurt so much.

Yaz Walked carefully to the front of the school building with her school stuff. She didn't want to put any extra strain onto her leg, whatever was causing it to ache and burn so badly wasn't getting any better. She hardly knew if she would be able to complete the race without anything happening at this rate.

She pushed those thoughts away. It wouldn't matter, The race was tomorrow, and sooner than she expected because they decided to move the program up a few hours. Sounds fun for everyone else, but Yaz knew deep down inside there would be hell to pay.

She waited outside for someone to come pick her up, either her dad or her mom were supposed to be on their way. Now, surprisingly, Yaz was able to keep this whole ordeal a secret from her parents. Usual it's was impossible to get things like this past them. They were always fantastic at catching onto her whenever she tried to hide anything from them. Rather it be major or insignificant.

Her moms car rolled up to the school and she walked over to it. She was going to sit in the passenger seat when she made eye contact with the face she was longing to see for a while. It was her older brother and in the back was her older sister. Her jaw dropped upon seeing the all too familiar faces. She quickly moved to the back seat and yanked the door open. She sat down inside and buckled up. "Iris! Omar! When did you guys get back?!" She exclaimed in surprise as she looked at her siblings who she missed dearly.

Her day was immediately made better. Seeing her siblings now was just such a reliving feeling. She enveloped her sister in a hug as she rested her head on her shoulder. She missed them dearly and was beginning to think that they wouldn't come after all. "I missed you guys so much!" She practically shouts, only quieting down because her mom was on the road. "Sorry Yaz, things were kinda hectic at the university and we had to push back the day of break but everything's all good now." Iris explains as she brushes her younger sisters hair.

"We missed you too, Yaz." Omar speaks while their mom drives away. They talked the whole drive back home and once they arrived Yaz drags her bags upstairs and into her room. She then gathers some things and Carries them to the bathroom with her so she can have a shower. By the time she was out the mirror had fogged over. She dried her body off and applied lotion and body oil to make her skin nice and soft. She gets dressed and smiles in satisfaction at her reflection in the mirror.

She made sure to be cautious of her leg as to not hurt it any further. The competition would be tomorrow and it was an important one for her. All competitions are. She constantly reminded herself that she cannot lose this or it would mean she wasn't worthy of being deemed the fastest. She put her dirty clothes into her hamper before relaxing in her bed for a while. She was scrolling on her phone for a bit when suddenly a text from Kenji appeared on her screen. She smiled and opened it.

It was a GIF of a red phone with the words call me popping out at her. She smiled at the image on her screen. Before pressing the FaceTime button on her phone. A few rings was all it took for her to see him. Her face contorted into a smile as she took in the image of him with toothpaste spilling out the corners of his mouth. "One sefond" his muffled voice came as he spat the toothpaste in the sink, rinsing it down with water and then putting his toothbrush away. He picked his phone back up and flashed her a smile. His pearly white's shinning at her.

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