A New Beginning

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"I don't know what day it is anymore..." of "Help me!", Year "Please! Make it stop!":

Really, who cares anymore?

(Y/N) was filling out his 68th form of the day on his old fashioned computer. He'd started work at the crack of dawn and wasn't due to finish until the sun was well set beyond the horizon. He stretched his arms and tried to ring out the cramp in his fingers. God, it was boring! He'd do the same thing, day in day out, only getting a day off on Sundays. Even then, he'd be bombarded with work emails. He just couldn't seem to catch a break.

He hung his head back and sighed as he dreamed of another life where he could stay at home all day, by himself, and just watch TV or play video games. That was his dream life, but unfortunately, to have that kind of lifestyle, he needed some money in the bank. He already lived in one of Joja's run down apartments, which cost him more than what it was worth. He couldn't even afford a TV, not that he'd have time to watch it anyway with work. But the idea of laying on a nice comfy sofa, in front of the TV, eating takeaway every night was just about enough motivation for him to carry on.

"You can daydream in your own time!" A higher ranking member of staff kicked his chair, snapping him out of his thoughts. "That document won't fill in itself!"

(Y/N) sighed and rolled his eyes. Sitting up, he was about to carry on typing when he hesitated.

He really hated this life. He knew he was wasting his life away doing something he didn't find enjoyable. What kind of a life was this anyway? He wasn't living. He was just surviving and getting by. He was doing what was deemed as "socially acceptable". Why were there rules and expectations for what people had to do with their lives anyway? It was ridiculous.

Then (Y/N) remembered something. He remembered the words of his grandfather. He couldn't recall exactly if he'd heard them first hand, or if someone had passed on the message:

"... And for my very special grandson: I want you to have this sealed envelope. No, no, don't open it yet... Have patience. Now, listen close...
There will come a day where you feel crushed by the burden of modern life...
... And your bright spirit will fade before a growing emptiness.
When that happens, my boy, you'll be ready for this gift.
Now, let Grandpa rest..."

Grandpa had been gone for some years now. How many exactly, (Y/N) couldn't remember. The message he had left however, was still as clear as day. He'd never quite understood what he meant. Everyone has assumed he was talking nonsense since he was old and on his deathbed. But the more he thought about it now, the more it made sense.

(Y/N)'s gaze shifted to his desk drawer. He'd kept the envelope, despite all the disbelief over what his Grandpa had said. Even if he didn't believe what he had said, it was the only thing he had left to remember him by, so he never got rid of it, keeping it safe in his drawer for all those years. He slowly reached for the handle, opening it cautiously. He flicked through numerous sheets of paper until he saw it. The envelope had be white once upon a time, but over the years, it had discolour and now was a light beige colour. The wax seal on the front still looked brand new somehow. The sight of it made (Y/N) hesitate. Did he really want to open it? Yes, yes of course he did! He couldn't take this lifestyle he was living any longer! He pulled off the seal and unfolded the paper inside. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

"Come on, Grandpa. I really need this."

He opened his eyes, and began reading:

"Dear (Y/N),

If you're reading this, you must be in dire need of a change.

The same thing happened to me, long ago. I'd lost sight of what mattered most in life... Real connections with other people and nature. So I dropped everything and moved to the place I truly belong.

I've enclosed the deed to that place... My pride and joy: (farm name) farm. It's located in Stardew Valley, on the southern coast. It's the perfect place to start your new life.

This was my most precious gift of all, and now it's yours. I know you'll honour the family name, my boy.
Good luck.

Love, Grandpa

P.S. If Lewis is still alive, say hi to the old guy for me, will ya?"

"A farm?" (Y/N) muttered to himself. "I don't know anything about farming!"

"Hey! I said get back to work!"

You know what? He thought. That's it! I don't care if it's a farm! I don't care anymore!

(Y/N) gripped the letter and envelope in his hand, and stood up. His office chair spun backwards on it's wheels until it crashed into the divider between desks.


Heads turned and gasps could be heard.

"What did you say!?" The senior staff on patrol whipped around.

"I said, NO!"

"How dare you talk to your senior staff like that! Sit back down!"

"No! I won't! In fact, I quit!"

A smug look grew on the staff member's face. They chuckled to themselves as they approached the unruly worker's desk.

"Oh yeah? And where are you gonna go? The moon? Mars? Because no where else on Earth will want you!"

"A farm, actually!" (Y/N)'s confidence was knocked. He hadn't planned what would happen this far. He adjusted his posture to look as sturdy as he could as they stood inches from his face.

"Oh, a farm?" They mocked. "You planning on growing some weeds? And feeding them to your livestock that will die within a season? What do you know about farming!?"

"I don't know," (Y/N) was grumbling angrily now, "but I do know it's better than working here!"

"Fine." They waved their hand. "Leave then. Enjoy a life of poverty and loneliness. We won't miss you."

"I can live with that."

(Y/N) grabbed the letter and his bag. He put any belongings he had inside. He didn't bother to log off his computer. He didn't even bother pushing his chair under his desk. He just stepped out into the walkway and headed towards the door. He could see out of the corner of his eye all of his coworkers looking at him in disbelief. No one had ever just up and left their position before! It was unheard of! If you did, you became known as "terminated", and were never allowed to work for Joja again! Now that may not seem so bad, but then again Joja was one of, if not THE biggest and most successful company to exist. They owned almost everything. And if they didn't own it, you could bet they had an offer on whatever it was to buy it. Apparently, a man named Jerry used to work a few desks behind (Y/N)'s, but no one had seen him in years. In his place was a massive "TERMINATED" sticker on the side of his desk. No one knew what happened to him, and they probably never would.

"You're disgusting! A disgrace! You'll never be welcomed back here!" (Y/N) could hear the shouts behind him. "You'll regret leaving! There is nothing and no one for you out there! Nobody wants you!"

(Y/N) just shoved the letter from his Grandpa in his bag. As he approached the doors, he flung them open. Taking his last step out of the building, he flung his hands in the air, and flipped off all his superiors that made his life hell as the doors closed behind him.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2023 ⏰

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