Chapter 11

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With only a week left before graduation, the day where the results of our college entrance exam were released finally arrived, and like me and Dia had said we would do, we went to see if we had passed together. As we got to the campus, there was a crowd gathered at where the school had listed all the people who had managed to get in.

Even looking at the list from a distance, I felt a small bit of doubt form inside me, as I worried about whether or not I had gotten in. If I failed, then Dia's father won't accept the idea that I'm good enough for her, and while the two of us will definitely figure something out, I don't want to end up causing any strain in Dia's relationship with her father.

"Well, here goes nothing..." I muttered as I headed closer to the list

"I'm sure that you did it," Dia said "We certainly worked hard enough to get you in."

As we headed closer to the list, I ran through the list around the section I expected my name to be in.

"And I... passed?" I said, happy but surprised by the fact that my name was there. "I passed!"

I felt a surge of excitement as it dawned on me that all the work I've put in over that last month had amounted to something despite all my fears of the contrary.

After a moment, Dia turned back to face me and said "Well then, it looks like we'll be attending college together. Now how about this evening, we go tell my father that you passed his test?"

"Sounds good to me." I responded

Dia smiled softly at me and said "Actually, give me a moment."

Dia turned back to the list and after looking at it for a moment, she turned back to me. "So what exactly were you looking for?" I asked

"I was curious if the man my father had tried to get me to marry had passed. And it looks like he didn't." Dia answered

Hearing that, I couldn't help but let out a laugh. "Maybe we should bring that up to your dad." I'll definitely get a kick out of seeing him react to the guy he thought was better for Dia than me, failing where I succeeded.

We spent a little while longer talking there before we headed back to the station, with me heading over to her family's home this evening so we can tell Mr Kurosawa that I passed that test of his.


That evening, I approached the Kurosawa Family's home. As I waited for the evening to come, it kind of dawned on me that I had admittedly been holding a slight grudge towards Mr Kurosawa for his apparent lack of faith in Dia to find her own partner. I tried to deal with that somewhat while I passed the time, and now the time has come for what I hope will be a rather eventful evening.

When I got to their front door, I rang the doorbell and a moment later the door was opened by Dia, who was in an obviously pleased mood.

"Hey Dia, I'm here at the same time as we agreed on." I said

"You're on the dot actually. I'm surprised." Dia said

"Eh, I was debating arriving ten minutes late just to annoy you some, but I figured this isn't the time" I said, a teasing smile on my face "So I take it you haven't told your father about this yet?"

"I was waiting for you to get here so we could tell him together" Dia said "Now shall we?"

I followed Dia through the house until we reached the same room we had our previous conversation with Mr Kurosawa, this time with Mrs Kurosawa sitting beside him as we got there. Mr Kurosawa looked at me silently with a piercing gaze as we sat down across from him.

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