Chapter 10

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As we sat alone in the living room at my home, I tried to stay focused on the various terms and dates that Dia was helping me memorize. It's been a week since I agreed to Mr. Kurosawa's deal, and alongside Dia making sure I study for a couple hours everyday, she ended up ordering me to not come to the student council until we take the entrance exams. I know that she's pushing so hard because this is important, so I've tried to give her too much sass about the whole thing.

After we spent a while studying, Dia looked at the clock on the wall and said "We've been studying for a while, let's take a break."

In response I let out a yawn and said "Gotcha, and I gotta say, I appreciate being able to actually spend some time with my girlfriend while doing something besides studying."

Dia sat down beside me and said "It's true we haven't been able to spend much time together outside of me helping you study recently"

I wrapped my arm around her and said "And while I'm glad to have your help with this kind of thing, it's been all work and no play recently. Well, more so than usual."

"You say that like I force you to work most of the time we're together." Dia said indignantly

"I know what I said." I replied "So in any case, how've things been? Like with the current situation at home I mean."

"Besides the obvious tension between my father and I, Ruby and my mother were particularly happy to have me home." Dia said "I imagine my father feels the same way, but..."

"Ah, I get you." I said, running through my brain to come up with a better topic "So how about things with Aquors? Got anything lined up for the near future?"

"They're going well. We actually have a live happening next week, I take it you'll be coming?" Dia said

"Of course I will be, just tell me when and where." I said. I love watching Aquors perform, they're music and dancing is really good, and I love seeing how much fun Dia has on stage.

"I'm glad to hear you say that. I'll be sure to keep an eye out for you in the crowd." Dia said

After talking for a while longer, Dia decided that it was about time that we returned to our studying, and I was dragged back into a struggle against my worst subject. But with a sigh, I got back to work, being helped through it by Dia.


As the day for Kowasu Yukei University's entrance exams finally arrived, me and Dia walked towards where they were being held together. Today's the day that decides whether or not the effort I put into this was worth it. As much as I want to say that I'm not worried at all, I've ended up with this tight feeling in my chest.

"Do you think you're ready?" Dia said, taking a hold of my hand

The familiar comfort of Dia's hand in mine helps me focus on something besides the doubts in my results. I let out a sigh and said "I'm about as ready as I can be. I'm admittedly a bit nervous though."

Dia gave me a reassuring smile and said "Don't worry Y/n, I'm sure that you're going to pass. With how much we've studied together, and how hard you were working, you'll definitely pass."

"Right, thanks Dia." I said "And I'm sorry that I haven't been as much help with student council stuff recently."

"Y/n, what did I tell you? I was able to get by before I met you and so I was able to get by while you were away." Dia said

"I know, that's why I was alright with it when you told me to take a break from it for a bit. But still, I can't help but feel a bit bad about it. After all, the purpose I was brought in for was to support you so that you weren't working yourself so hard, nowadays I would do even if I wasn't asked, but I still feel like I'm not doing enough for you." I said. After all, she had her student council stuff, the various extracurricular things she does like koto and flower arranging, her activities in Aquors, and then suddenly I'm adding onto that with helping me study for this stupid exam. She works herself so hard and I want to be able to help ease her burden, but I've ended up adding to it.

I feel Dia squeeze my hand and she says "Y/n, this past month I've started to notice that you talk about our relationship like you're just following my lead so that you can help me. But you need to stop following my lead and start walking alongside me as an equal. I'm happy to have your help, but you should also be trying to figure out what to do for you."

Have I really been talking about it like that? I mean I guess I have kinda just been following her lead and going from there, not really thinking too hard on what's going for myself. I would ask if it's such a bad thing to be a follower, but I already know what Dia would say in response. I can't keep following her lead and need to start making decisions for my future for myself.

"I'll try." I said before trying to lighten the mood slightly by adding "No promises though"

We continued to walk alongside each other towards the testing site, Dia said "By the way Y/n, you said accepting my father's test was the fastest way to get things to recover, but you never said what your thought process was exactly."

With a small, teasing smile appearing on my face, I said "Well I figured that best case scenario that it'd solve this issue and you'd be with your family again but worst case scenario we could just elope or something."

"E-elope?" Dia said, starting to blush. That adorable blush, that's the thing I needed to get me back into focus, I'm doing this all for this beautiful, elegant, and adorable girl that I love, and this isn't through yet so I need to keep going.

"What? It's not the worst plan." I said, getting more distracted from my nerves as I messed with Dia a little

"I-I suppose not..." Dia said, her blush becoming all the brighter. To be honest, I hadn't been expecting that response, but I'm not gonna complain

When we got to the location where the tests were being held, we found that we were both gonna be testing in different rooms. As we got to where we had to spit up, I said "So this is it, well here goes nothing."

"I'll see you when this is over." Dia said before she began to blush and gave me a kiss on the cheek "For good luck."

"How did I end up with somebody so amazing again?" I said "I love you Dia, and I'll see you in a bit."

With that, we headed our separate ways, with me running through what I could in my head one last time before it all began. I'm still worried that all the work this past month will amount to nothing, but I love Dia and so if this is what it takes to achieve what'll give her the most happiness, I'll give it a shot.

Love Live! Elegant Like The Wind (Dia Kurosawa x Male Reader)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora