"2:53 p.m.," you mutter, standing up and smoothing out your outfit. You look at yourself in the mirror, what was hanging on your closet with you and Jin-Woo. You had dressed elegantly because you and he were going on a date, but here he was already going to be at 2pm. Not even a message. You knew he hadn't been to any dungeons, but Cha-Hae would need his help in a raid and you know that if he's there it would be quick, but still nothing happened.

You look at your packed things and smile slightly.

But when a message reaches you, coming from the TV outside where Jin-Ah was, you knew why. You quietly walk out of the room and see reporters taking pictures of Jin-Woo and Cha-Hae, filming them and saying how beautiful they were as a couple. The worst part was Cha-Hae even held Jin-Woo's arm where she raked in. Your look turned sad again when you see her happy expression and his smiling face. A smile he only showed you then, with his old self.

"Shin-he!", Jin-ah was startled and quickly turned off the TV.

"It's okay.", you said softly, stroking her head.

"That stupid cow is taking my brother and your boyfriend away from me!" she puffed out in a huff.

"You fit him better!", she added grumbling and you laugh.

"You're cute.", you take out your cell phone again and text Jin-Woo that it probably wouldn't work out today. In addition, you wished him a good time, with a fat exclamation mark.

"Shin-he..." she murmured sadly and threw herself into your arms. You sadly put both arms around her.

"Jin-ah... Can I tell you something? I've been trying to tell your brother all this time, but he keeps blocking.", you finally wanted to talk to someone about it. You don't even notice how the shadow was watching you from Jin-Woo, understanding everything his master was doing as he now sat on the park bench, escaping the paparazzi. Cha-Hae had to do something as vice guild leader, which is why he was alone.

Frustrated, Jin-Woo grabbed his head. He had completely forgotten about you, and only when he read your message did he know what day it was. Your anniversary. Just as he was about to leave, he paused when he caught the interaction of you and Jin-Ah.

"Of course Shin-He." she smiled and you grinned slightly.

"I can remember everything again.", you said and the black-eyed one widened her eyes in amazement and delight.

"Really?!" she beamed delightedly, which made you smile.

"Yes... But I can't tell you everything, that's what I wanted to talk to Jin-Woo about, but he doesn't have time and prefers to spend his time with another girl. I can understand him. Cha-Hae is beautiful and strong... and a Hunter," your gaze clouded again.

"Sure he wants someone by his side who isn't useless and weak. You must have noticed that there is a big distance between me and your brother," you said softly and Jin-Ah lowered her head sadly.

"Yes, unfortunately... and I hate that... you are the only woman by his side I would ever accept and the way Oppa treats you is beneath contempt!" she complained, which made you giggle.

"Don't judge him. It's my own fault for rejecting him whenever things got more between us. Jin-Ah, even though you're younger, you're not just a sister to me, you're also my best friend. And you should know the truth. Unfortunately, for reasons that are painful for me, I can't tell you everything... but I can tell you that I don't belong here," she looked at you confused.

"What do you mean?" she asked softly, looking at her with pity.

"I guess it's fate that Jin-Woo is losing interest in me. I'm just a normal person, I probably won't matter to him anymore. Yes, maybe he still likes me, but not in the way he once did. I liked... Jin-Woo, when he was the E-Hunter, much more. To me, even though he was considered the weakest Hunter, he was the strongest...", you smile slightly.

[Im]possible [Sung Jinwoo x Reader - English] Solo LevelingWhere stories live. Discover now