
are you free

in all of my glory, yes

idk how to say this but
i don't rly have anyone else rn and i just need someone's help

are u okay??

i don't rly know
it feels weird

can u try to describe it to me woo?

it's so hot
dizzy too

and what about ur breathing? please can you describe that for me too?

it's like
ik i'm not but it almost feels like i'm suffocating??
idk i've never felt this way before

hey it's okay
i'm here woo it's okay
i'm not sure how you'll feel about this but can i call u?


all i want to do is help i promise but i completely understand if you're not comfy with that

no thats okay san

are u sure??
please be honest with me

i'm sure


using the back of his hand to wipe away the tears streaking his expression with pain, wooyoung brings a hand to his chest, which twitches now and then in its movement. he grows startled at its rapid pace, along with surprise that he hasn't already notice the heavy, booming sound echoing into his ears.

interfering with wooyoung's fear, his phone abruptly vibrates in his clammy palms. he blinks throughout his incoherent breathing, multiple times, only now realising what he's done to himself.

but, reminding himself that all the latter wants to do is help, wooyoung nervously picks up the call.

"hey," says a voice almost immediately — san's voice — rushed, yet warm. although wooyoung can, most likely, recognise the voice from a mile away, it feels different when directed at him somehow. "woo?"

"h-hi," wooyoung struggles in a whisper, internally cursing himself for how pathetic he sounds. god, san is probably going to think he's so weird.

"hi, woo." san is delicate, even through his worry, and wooyoung can't help but imagine a small smile on his lips. "i can hear a little, but your breathing how is it? has it gotten any better?"

wooyoung shakes his head. then, his cheeks burn in humiliation, because san can't even see him. "i-i don't—" he pauses, clenching his eyes shut. "i don't th-think so, n-no..."

"that's alright," san assures instantly. "because i'm going to help you. that's why i'm here, remember?" wooyoung mumbles out a quiet hum of acknowledgement, a fresh wave of tears pooling over his eyes, his chest heaving up and down. "we're going to take deep breaths together, okay? have you done this before?"

SING ME TO SLEEP, woosanHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin