When we finally got there I got out of the car. Saying a quick 'I'll be back now' to the guys, I went to the fro t door and unlocked it with my key.

The house looked exactly the same, nothing differentor out of place. I knew that my parents weren't home and that they were at work so I didnt mind being loud.

I told the guys that they could come in and make themselves comfortable while i got my stuff.

I walked up the staircase and into my room. Everything looked the same as before, my grey curtains , the bookshelf in the corner everything.

I collected all my things from clothes to valuable items of mine. I headed back down stairs to see the guys looking around . They both jumped in surprise when I cleared my throat signaling that I was done and we could go.

I carried to medium sized bags with all my stuff in them. Kieran was already waiting at the car when I felt a pair of eyes on my back.

I turned around, Kai was looking at me with a wierd emotion in his eyes that I couldn't decipher.

"Is that everything, it doesn't seem like much?" Kai asked

"No I dont have much, besides I can wear your clothes right?" I teased him, a small smile tugging at my lips.

"Yeah, you can definitely still wear my clothes," he paused ," let's get your clothes dropped off then go do something fun."

An hour later my clothes were dropped off and we were going to an amusement park closes to Kai's apartment.

"You know, I've never been to am amusement park before this is kinda exciting!" I said excitedly.

"What?! Dont worry well make this the best day ever." Kai said proudly excitment evident in his voice.

We got all our tickets and decided to also get some cotton candy. I stopped and looked around.

The place was buzzing with life, the ferrice wheel was in the further corner. There were many rides that I wanted to go on. There was one that looked like a horizontal ferrice wheel that went up and down.

I pointed towards it and asked if we go on it the guys just laughed and nodded in agreement.

I full on out sprinted to it, cotton candy still in my hand and mouth. I heard laughing from behind me and turned around and saw the guys laughing.

"Hey hurry up ! My grandmother moved faster than you." I yelled to them. They only chuckled in response.

We gave they guy working here our tickets and got on. The seats werent big enough,since they were made for children, we all had to sit alone.

"That...was...so much fun!!" I practically shrieked in pure delight." We have to go on another please." I asked them

"Of course we're going on another one Beth, is it fine if I call you that?" Kieran asked with a sheepish smile at thaler last part.

"Yay! And yes you can definitely call me that but why dont you just call me anytime?" I teased slightly.

I swear I saw his cheeks tint a pinkish colour. The two of us jogged to catch up to Kai who was almost at the ferrice wheel not noticing our absence.

We had so much fun and we just had to try all the other rides. We rode all the rides there. We had the most amazing food and drinks.

By the time we were done the sun was starting to set by the time we were done and we decided to go home.

We were in the parking lot when suddenly a skull shattering pain was in my head. It was like I couldn't hear,think or speak. I collapsed,my hands on my head. The guys kept on walking they were in front of me so they didnt see me fall.

I lay there on the dirty floor amongst dirt and leaves. Not moving one bit.

"Guys" I whimper out only loud enough for them to hear me.

They both spun around smiles still on their beautiful faces. Those smiles where quickly replaced by worried frowns and they rushed over to me .

"Cupcake are you ok, what's wrong?" Kai asked frantically trying to help me up.

I wasn't able to answer him because I started hearing voices of a man who was saying the weirdest stuff .

"Hello child, you have to go your mother's lab , the boys will know where it is. There you will find the answers you seek. Keep your friends close, enemies closer. Be careful." The man said he sounded to be around 60 years old.

When I came to I was shaking in Kai's arms. My eyelids where so heavy that before I drifted of to a dark slumber a mumbled the words.

"I have a plan, I'll tell you when I wake."

Then I was pulled into complete darkness.


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