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Not my art!!




"... whatever you say. My insects were picking up something strange from you.." 'was I so nervous I leaked some of kurama's chakra??'

"Well whatever it was I'm sure it was nothing! Thanks for checking up on me though!" I smile. Not many people ask how I am out of concern. Sure the casual 'how are you?', but not like this. He nods and walks back to his team.



~(small time skip Naruto pov)~

"ARE WE ALMOST THERRREEEE?!?" I found some form of energy and have not figured out what to do with it yet. Especially since kurama has been lecturing me for a good 30 minutes about leaking his chakra. Kakashi sensei smiled slightly, although it was hard to tell it was noticeable. "as a matter of fact, we just found a good spot to set up camp for the night!" He 'eye smiled'. With his o r b s

"YEAH FINALLY!!!" 'this is a blessing from the ramen gods! I could finally sit. I'm still a bit sore from earlier...' Yamato sensei, who has mostly stayed silent, said "ok everyone. Even though you all should have no problem doing this yourselves, I will now list your assignments. Team 7 on tents, team 8 on food, team 9 gets water, and team 10 is scouting; Even though it's only a C ranked mission you can never be too careful. When you're done meet near the campfire that we will set up and we'll assign watch shifts."

With that everyone started doing what they were assigned. Sai is provoking us unintentionally per usual. Sakura's screeching is piercing my ears, but I decide not to say anything about it. "But Sakura- what did I say?!?" Sai stated confused.

"SHUT IT YA BIG DUMMY!! YOU DONT JUST CALL A GIRL UGLY!! ESPECIALLY ME!" I just laugh nervously and hold her back from punching sai to the moon. "S-sakura let him go! Ya know he's still figuring out social cues dattebao-"

"I DONT CARE HE SHOULDN'T CALL ME UGLY!" The teme was just watching us, clearly annoyed aswell. Not because of sai, but because we weren't doing our job. After a few more minutes of Sakura yelling, me holding her back, and sai being extremely confused, he decided to yell  "OI QUIT IT WOULD YOU!! WE NEED TO FINISH OUR JOB!"

Well that shut her up. "Ahaha! Sorry Sasuke-kun, we'll focus now!" Although she isn't as bad as she used to be, she still likes him. Admittedly less so since we were gennin. I wonder why?

(a/n I just rubbed my nose and I thought I broke it cuz it made a weird cracking noise-  ༎ຶ‿༎ຶ)

We finish the tents and head over to where the sensei's are setting up the fire. "FINALLY! why were you guys so slow?!" Kiba complained. "I-it doesn't matter we-we're all her-here now." Hinata stuttered. Kiba rolled his eyes exasperated  "whatever."

"COME SIT WITH US MY YOUTHFUL STUDENTS! THE FISH HAS JUST FINISHED COOKING!!" Guy sensei yelled. "AMAZING IDEA SENSEI!!" Lee shouted, matching his sensei's energy. The four of us took our seats around the fire.

We passed around the food and made small talk. While the others were talking I was more focused on the food. Ichiraku's is one of the only places I can go without having to pay double. And as much as I love them, the only other food I get is anything I make myself. I am grateful despite my complaints.

"Hn..... Dobe slow down, you're gonna throw up if you eat too fast. Remember tazuna?" I stare at him and slowly shove another piece of fish in my face hole. He smiles and laughs slightly "..... you're a lost cause."

"Ne, teme? How come you're not eating? Aren't you hungry?"

"Hn." (I ate earlier)

"Oh ok! Well more for me I guess!" I start shoving more fish in my face. "DOBE WHAT DID I JUST SAY- ugh whatever." Kurenai and ino, who were listening to us, giggled softly.


Teme- bastard or asshole
Dobe- dead last
Dattebao- no real meaning but can be translated to 'ya know' or in the anime 'believe it' (I prefer 'ya know')
Sensei- teacher

Unrelated, but lee and kirishima would get along so well-


(Rookie 12 and their sensei's in case u didn't know)

(kakashi/Yamato sensei)

(Asuma sensei. He didn't die yet)

(Kurenai sensei)

(Guy sensei. It it guy or gai?)

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Mar 02, 2022 ⏰

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