"Y/n, so good to see you," Aunt Cynthia says warmly as she pulls you in for a hug. "Topper and I are so happy you're here."

"Bring it in, y/n," Topper says, giving you a stiff hug of his own. It feels awkward being this close.

"Topper, go see about getting her luggage," Cynthia tells him, gesturing to the men unloading everything from the bottom of the plane. She swiftly pulls a crisp $100 from her purse and hands it to him discreetly, shooing him off. "So," she says, turning her attention back on you. "I spoke to your parents this morning as you were leaving. They leave for Paris tonight, so I'm sure you'll hear from them sometime tomorrow."

"Goody," you say sarcastically, and Cynthia frowns momentarily before putting back on a smile.

"Yes, well, I've made up the guest room for you, and if there's anything you want to do to change it or personalize it in any way, let me know and I can have my decorator come in and help you get the ball rolling," she says. She looks away for a moment. "Oh, looks like Topper's managed to get your luggage brought around to the car. Shall we?"


As the three of you drive across the island to the Thornton's home, Topper talks about his weekly schedule and all the things you're going to accompany him to. It all sounds boring, and exhausting.

"Do you do anything for fun? Do you even have friends?" you ask as you turn down a long street. You're pretty sure you're close to your new home for the summer; you'd been to their house one time when you were younger, but it had been so long that you didn't remember much about the visit.

Topper scoffs lightly. "Of course I do. I'll introduce you soon."

After arriving at the house, Topper has a private golf lesson scheduled, and Cynthia has work to attend to at the hospital, so you're left alone for the afternoon to unpack and settle in. Of all the things you had to complain about, your living quarters wasn't one of them. The guest room they'd put you up in was massive, and it included it's own little bathroom. It also came with a bay window that you absolutely saw yourself sitting in and staring forlornly out of as you contemplated your life.

They return around dinner time, and over your meal, Cynthia listens proudly as Topper explains the "fun" things you'll be doing tomorrow; picking up trash on the beach with some of his peers from the Kildare Academy Environmental Club, then having lunch with his girlfriend.

"Girlfriend?" you ask, your interest piqued. You were picturing a female version of Topper, with the same straight laced personality and an affinity for sweater sets and pearls.

"Yeah. Her name is Sarah. We've been going out for almost a year," he says proudly.

"Her father is a prominent figure on the island," Cynthia says as she sips her wine.

"Fantastic family," Topper adds.

"For the most part," Cynthia says under her breath, taking another sip of her wine.

"What does that mean?" you ask.

Topper rolls his eyes. "Mom's not a huge fan of Sarah's brother. He and I are friends. He's not so bad."

Cynthia sighs. "I just think he could learn a thing or two from Sarah. He's already nineteen and he isn't very... accomplished."

"Ah, a black sheep like me," you say, finding comfort in the fact that someone exists in Topper's perfect world that is more like you than him.

Cynthia waves her hand. "You'll do good to stay away from him. Trouble, that one is," she says, giving you a look.

"Right," you answer. "So what time do I need to be ready in the morning? I was going to finish unpacking my room and read a little bit before bed."

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