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Your parents had had enough

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Your parents had had enough. They'd had enough of your sneaking out, your incessant partying, your lying, your entire existence, honestly. The thing was, you weren't even the most offensive one of your friend group — most of your other friends had been cracked down on for shoplifting and vandalism, and you had only gotten in trouble with the law for underage consumption a couple times, and there may have been a possession charge expunged from your record by your grandfather at one point, but who's counting? Overall, though, they'd had it, and the solution for your wild behavior was simple: send you away from your derelict friends for the summer.

The arrangements were already made, and there was nothing you could do to change the inevitable. Your aunt Cynthia, who lived on some little island in the Outer Banks, was taking you in for the summer while your parents took a break from your antics. While they were jet setting around Europe, you would be on Kildare Island, learning a thing or two from your absolute square of a cousin, Topper Thornton. He was the golden child of the family; top of his class at his fancy private school, volunteered every other weekend to do beach cleanup or read to senior citizens, gave private golf lessons at the local country club to underprivileged youth. He low key made you sick. His perfect teeth, frosted tips, and pastel wardrobe only added to your image of him.

To be fair, the two of you weren't all that close, so you didn't actually know him all that well. Your perception of him came from what was talked about in the family newsletter, and the snippets of time you spent with him at holiday gatherings. He'd always been pleasant with you, never had a cross word to say about anyone, and seemed to be able to go with the flow of your intense family. It's why his family had been picked as the one you would be shipped off to until you "straightened up".

Your parents had you packing the second you got home from school on the last day. While all your friends were preparing for their senior trip, you were preparing for a summer-long lock down. You were scheduled to fly out of your hometown early the next morning, where you would be whisked away through a series of flights to your new temporary home. You had thrown a fit, of course, gave the whole stereotypical "you're ruining my life!" speech when they had first told you that you'd be sent off for the summer for "a chance to sort out your priorities". You were pissed about it, and when Topper had tried to reach out to you after hearing he'd be hosting you all summer, you lashed out at him as well. He had nothing to do with it, but just the idea that he was so accepting of you invading his life and dominating all of his summer plans made your blood boil. Of course he was being nice about it. Of course he was thrilled at the chance of growing closer to the only cousin his age. You knew it wasn't fair to take your anger at your parents out on him, but did he have to be so goddamn cheerful about giving up his entire summer?


It was the middle of the afternoon when you landed at the Kildare County private airstrip. Aunt Cynthia and Topper were waiting on the tarmac, all smiles, as you climbed out of the small prop plane you arrived on. With a heavy sigh, you hiked your carry-on bag up on your shoulder and crossed the pavement towards them.

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