Chapter 18

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I was fighting to keep my eyes open. Again. I was drowsy and out of it, and I couldn't remember anything that happened today or why I even fell asleep.

Then it all came rushing back to me.

The transplant. Lacey. Whatever the hell happened there. More of the world came into view and the blur of sounds that were in my ear became more clear and distinct. The sound of talking. A few monitors. Someone's phone was vibrating.

I sat up and blinked a few times, trying to get myself more awake. As I sat up, I noticed a raw red line across my stomach. The stitches from the transplant.

"Hey, sweetie. You're awake." Dana said softly. I nodded, I couldn't get any words out for some reason. There was so much I wanted to say in the moment, but I couldn't.

"Mommy...I'm sleepy." I said. Dana kissed my forehead and said, "I bet you are. The doctors said you'll be sleeping on and off for the next day or so, it's okay. They're gonna need to run a few tests in a few days, though, just to make sure your new kidney's adjusting to your body well."

I nodded sleepily and leaned back on the pillows, thinking about what just happened. And then a flood of hope rushed through my veins.

This surgery, the scar on my stomach, this meant it was over. I fought and I won, and now it was all over. No more constant hospital visits, no more tubes, no more surgeries, none of this. I would be home full-time, I could go to school again, I could see my family whenever the hell I wanted.

I just needed to survive these last few days in the hospital.

And finally, after months of pain and would all be over.


I've been keeping track of these last milestones in my head, even if no one else is. My last blood test. My last IV. My last time eating bland and boring hospital food. Cause to me, these "lasts" were firsts, firsts of a life with all this medical trauma behind me.

I was sitting in the waiting room, sucking on a lollipop like I was a little kid as Dana was filling out some final paperwork. I was happy, and I was clearly showing it.

"Honey, once I fill this out, we can go home, alright? Do you have all your stuff with you? Make sure to check before we go, I don't want you to leave anything behind." I opened my bag to make sure everything I brought with me was in there and ready to go home, and I gave my mom an assertive nod.

"Good. It's just gonna be five more minutes, okay?" Dana said. I nodded and smiled, not being able to keep my happiness in for much longer.

And finally, after what felt like absolute ages, Dana turned the massive packet of paper in to the lady at the front desk and turned to me with a smile. "We're all set, baby girl, now let me get the car up and running."

I gasped and leapt out of my seat, happy, free, and elated for what was to come.

I was so proud of myself.

Adopted by Beetlejuice Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang