Chapter 10

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"I have a crush on two girls at once." I said to Alex. "There's Asia, who everyone on Planet Earth knows I like, and then there's Lacey."

"You haven't told me about Lacey at all. Who's this girl again?" Alex asked.

"Lacey Wagner, she's a new student at my school. She moves around a lot because of her dad's job and has lived in 10 countries. She's really nice and funny, and I want to enjoy my time with her before she moves again. If she moves again. I hope she miraculously gets a chance to stay in America for good." 

"She seems nice.'s a matter of who you like more. Asia...or Lacey?" Alex said. "Either way, you need to go all out with confessing your love."

I smiled a little. "I have an idea, I'll tell you all about it tomorrow."


"Good morning Eisenhower High School. My name is Penney Steingold, and I will be doing your morning announcements this morning. Please rise and join me in the Pledge of Allegiance." 

Yes, I did get permission to do the morning announcements. I became a cabinet member of my school's Student Council on my second day at that school, and ever since I found out I would be the person in charge of the announcements, I had this plan to confess my love to Lacey. 

I led the school in the Pledge, gave the boring daily announcements about sports dismissals and the like, and then it was time for the moment of truth. Here goes nothing.

"And...I have a very special personal announcement. To Lucille Juliet Wagner, wherever you are...I like you. Like, like-like you. I don't care if this gets me kicked off of doing the announcements, I was just scared to tell you any other way. I'm sorry if this embarrassed you, I just needed to tell you. Thank you, Eisenhower, and have a good day!"

I shut off the intercom and made my way out of the main office, immediately being met by Asia.

"I can't decide if what you just did was awesome or really, really dumb. Lacey's in my homeroom and when she heard what you said, she started blushing and laughing." Asia looked away for a second and then put her hand on my shoulder. "You did good, Penney."

On that cue, Lacey Wagner ran down the hall and threw herself on me.

"WOAH! Lacey! What gives?" I said. Lacey laughed and said, "Thank you, Pen."

"For what?"

"I you too. I was just too scared to tell you before you made that awesome announcement earlier." Lacey said. I smiled and hugged Lacey a little tighter. 

"So..." Lacey said while buried in my arms. "Will you date me?"


"SO?! HOW DID IT GO?" Alex said. I pulled him aside to tell him the good news, Dana had no idea yet.

"I think I have a girlfriend."

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