10- unimaginable

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4th December
Leo's POV

"I can't believe were going in spring break!" I exclaimed

"I can't believe were still talking about Paris when we're not going for another 5 months!" Scorpio said

"Were excited! It's gonna be fun! Even you can't deny that!"

He scoffed "It will be by then" he sharply looked up at Cancer, who looked away pretending not to notice him.

"What do you mean?" Taurus asked

"Nothing" he said

She raised an eyebrow at him, suspiciously.

"Virgo's gonna be back soon!" Cancer said

"Where was she?" I asked

"Out with Cappricorn" Taurus said

"Still cant believe there dating, seems a bit soon don't you think?" Cancer asked

"Not really. I mean they both liked each other since we got here, we all saw it coming" Taurus said

I looked at Cancer. She said to me almost 2 weeks ago, she liked him and that she'd get over it but I don't think she has yet.

"Anyway, you heard about that new cafe down the street?" I asked trying to change the subject.

"Yeah, my cousin works there, he said one girl threw up her strawberry smoothie and now he's too scared to go to work. Baby"

"Now I'm never gonna be able to have a strawberry smoothie again, without forgetting that story" I said


What did you guys do?" Tarurus asked Virgo once she had got back from Cappricorn.

"Well, we went to the cinema and watched the new comedy that came out 2 weeks ago"

"Oooh I've been dying to see that!" I squealed.

Ok, I know Cancer is my friend and she probably still likes Cappricorn, I mean who can get over someone that fast? But Virgo is also my friend and she came back all excited from her date, and I kinda wanna know what happened, she's the first girl to go out with someone so far this year!

"It was really good! You should go watch it! And then we went to go get some doughnuts from that doughnut truck down the road!"

"Ooh I love those ones with the chocolate icing!" Taurus exclaimed

"I know right!"

I then noticed how me and Taurus were literally sitting on the edge of our sofa, while Virgo was explaining what happened with Cappricorn, that Cancer was just quietly standing, leaning with her back against the wall behind us with a look on her face that she was trying to cover up that she obviously looked hurt.

"I'm gonna go" Cancer said standing up

"Is something wrong?" Virgo asked, concered

"Oh, no- nothings wrong" she said and gave us a weak smile "I just have some homework to catch up on" she stared at us like she was smiling through tears, which is a look she uses way too much this past week, and left.

"Is she ok?" Taurus asked

"Yeah I think so..."

"I'll go see what's bothering her" I said standing up

"Want me to come with you?" Virgo asked, thinking she had done something wrong

"No it's fine, you still need to tell Taurus about the rest of your date"

"If your sure" Virgo smiled.

I think it would be best if it was just me, I'm the only one who knew about her feelings for Cappricorn, and I honestly feel a bit stuck in the middle. I wanna be supportive for Virgo and Cappricorn, but I also wanna be supportive and stand by Cancer at this hard time. God, have you ever had two best friends? At least I have Taurus, but it's not exactly like she knows what's happening, she just thinks Cancer always forgets to do her home work.

"Cancer?" I asked finally finding her in the library.

"Yeah?" She turned around, surprised, wiping her cheek.

"Are you ok?"

"Yeah I'm fine"

"Cancer, obviously something's not fine, and obviously you still like Cappriocorn and obviously you feel guilty for liking Cappricorn, because he's Virgo's boyfriend now."

Cancer stared up at me, tears in her eyes. "I did something horrible"

"You can tell me. I'm your friend" I said sitting down at her table, opposite her

"Ok well, Scorpio came up to me and he said it's obvious I like Cappricorn"

Oh god. What did Scorpio Do?

"And he said he liked Virgo"

Was not expecting that

"I thought he said romance was gross?"

"Apparently not" Cancer said and blew her nose.

"Well he said that we should try and break them up and I could get Cappricorn and he could get Virgo, and I said we shouldn't, because Virgo was my friend and she was so happy, then he said we would all be happy because they would end up loving us, and we would love them and I... agreed..." she said shamefully

I stared at Cancer in shock. When she said she did something bad I thought she meant stealing my favourite shoes without asking or something, but agreeing to break up a happy couple would just be unimaginable.

Of course I'm not mad at Cancer because she got hypnotized by Scorpio, but I'm mad at Scorpio. He is the most selfish person to ever imagine, everyone knows he and Cappricorn hate each other's guts, but using Cancer to help him get a girl who's already taken, who not to mention is Cancer's best friend, he would be sacrificing a friendship and even if they found out, Cappricorn always hated Scorpio, it wouldn't be any different, but Virgo would probably never speak to Cancer again, and also, me having to go between by best friends. Like, how SELFISH can you get?

Cancer looked at me "and of course I instantly regretted it afterwards! I've never done anything like this before, it's just because I was so mad at myself for not asking him out myself first, I just wasn't thinking straight! Honest!"

"No, I understand. Completely, the only reason I might have looked mad there was just me being mad at Scorpio,I understand you feel bad, but go back there and tell Scorpio your deal is off!"

Cancer nooded and stood up "Thank you for understanding"

I smiled and she left.


Hydra stood in the middle of two book shelfs and pressed end video then walked out of the library to watch the drama episode of Leo and Cancer she had just made...

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