Y3 ~ together

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"We'll do it together, alright?"

Daylight - Taylor SwiftWordcount - 2507

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Daylight - Taylor Swift
Wordcount - 2507


Y/n was currently walking down the street of Diagon Alley. The sun lightened up the crowded Alley and the birds were singing further away. Harry and her was supposed to meet up with Ron and Hermione now since they had gotten their school suplies.

"Where are they?" Harry muttred, more to himself than Y/n.

"Hopefully somewhere near," Y/n replied either way. "I'm starving."

"You ate breakfast an hour ago!" Harry pointed out.

"So what? I don't decide if I'm hungry or not, my stomach does." Y/n protested as her stomach let out a growl.

"Told you you're weirder." Harry grinned.

"And I told you to look in a mirror." Y/n replied moodily.

Then she spotted a girl with brown, bushy hair and a tall ginger boy further away who Y/n  immediately identified as Ron and Hermione. They seemed to be bickering about something as usual when Harry and Y/n made their way over to them.

"Herms, Ronaldino, over here!" Y/n waved at the two friends.

Hermione turned around first, in her arms she held a fat, ginger cat who Y/n thought were extremely cute.

"Cute cat," Y/n complimented and stroke the cat in Hermione's arms. "What's its name?"

"Her name is Crookshanks," Hermione smiled. "I felt so sorry for her, she had been in the shop for so long, she was misjudged!"

This made Y/n grin. "Hermione Granger, always saving the pets." She mocked and Hermione laughed.

"I just felt sorry for him," Hermione sighed. "But Ron hates her, says she'll hurt his stupid rat."

"Just ignore him," Y/n smiled. "He's an idiot and his rat is just an old, ugly piece of shit."
This made Hermione laugh again.

Truth to be told, Scabbers and Y/n had never gotten along. When she first held him in first year he bit her for some reason, almost as if he was scared of her and since that day Y/n had despised the rat, she'd always despised rats and Ron was simply overprotective over his stupid rat.

"Good to see you too, Ronald." Y/n said warningly, fully aware of the rat in his arms.

"Same to you Willy." Ron said, a grin made its way to his face, knowing that Y/n hated the nickname which he'd given her based off her last name, but she couldn't hit him since he had stupid Scabbers in his arms.

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