Let's Kick Some Ass

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Peter's POV

I continued to work on mine and Wanda's suits. As she just sat back, watching me with a smile. As much as I loved her, I knew she didn't know much about any of this and that's okay, there's stuff that she is skilled at and I'm terrible...that's just life though.

"Love...can you come over here." In a second, I felt that familiar hand being placed on my shoulder, her body off to the right of me. "How do you like it?"

She looked over the suit and a beautiful smile spread across her face. "It's perfect." With that I kissed her and she kissed me back.

"Okay, love birds." Happy said, his voice stopping our kiss, we both turned to face him and he walked up to us. "Fury's got the coded message. Your friends are at the Tower Bridge. Your boy called it London Bridge, but I figured it out. I'm gonna go scoop them up, okay?"

"Yeah." I replied.

"Were close." Happy said.

"Were close." I repeated.

"How's the suits coming?"

"Almost done, both."

"Okay, so what's the plan. Walk me through it."

"We know it's illusion tech. All we do is get inside the illusion, then we can take it down, find him, and he's just a guy. So we can take Edith back."

"Right, but last time you guys git hit by a train."

"True, but this time...How do I explain this? Uh...I have like a sixth sense." I rambled, feeling slightly embarrassed.

"The Peter Tingle." He said and Wanda started laughing while I just sighed. "That's what you're talking about, right? It's not working though...that's what I've heard." He than looked to Wanda who was still laughing.

"Yeah, he's hit a rough patch." She mustered out.

"It is working." I said, giving Wanda a playful glare. I than faced back to Happy. "Well...I don't know if it's working."

"Okay, so you got the Peter Tingle. That's the plan. I'm gonna go get your friends. You get the Peter Tingle back online." Happy than walked off and I just groaned.

"Is that what it's just gonna be called now?" I asked Wanda who just smiled.

"Yes." She wrapped her arm's around me and rested her head against my back. I watched as our suits got completed and a giant smile spread across my face.

"Let's get changed." I felt her head leave my back and she looked at the suits.

" I felt her head leave my back and she looked at the suits

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"Nicely done Parker." She gave me a quick kiss and I wrapped my hand around her waist, pulling her closer. After the kiss, I grabbed our suits and handed Wanda's hers. We got changed and appeared from the force field, she made just to give us some privacy. Since there was no bathroom on this jet.

"Looking good, kids." Happy smiled at us, but his smile looked proud.

I turned to Wanda, both of us smiling. "Let's go kick some ass." She said, I nodded my head and kissed her again.

I opened the hatch door. "Ready to go?"

"Yup." I grabbed her waist and yanked her basically on top of me. I crawled across the side of the jet, to the front windshield of the jet. While, Wanda held on for dear life.

"All right, com's check. Can you guys hear me?" Happy asked.

"Yes." We said in unison. "It's just a little loud." She finished saying.

"I like the new suits."

"Thanks." I smiled under the mask at the compliment.

We arrived at the hologram and it actually looked really real this time. It looked like a gray tornado with a face, there was lighting and thunder, coming from it.

"Woah, Kids, you sure that's not real?"

"Yeah, it's just a hundred times bigger than I expected. " I yelled.

"Still the play?" Happy asked.

"Uh, huh. We need to get high enough, so Beck doesn't see us coming." I stated.

"Copy that. Stay Sticky." The plane went up and I could feel Wanda hug me tighter.

"Were, gonna be okay." I said, trying to reassure her.

"Yeah, we are." She said, I think trying to make her self feel better about this whole situation. We began to fly towards the top of the storm

"Hey Happy." I said.

"Yeah, kid. What is it?"

"We need to have a serious conversation about you and my aunt." As I said the last part a gust of wind took us off the plane and Wanda lost her grip on me.

"Remember the plan." I yelled to her as we fell through the fake storm. "It's not real, it's not real." We both fell through, screaming until we each landed on some drones.

"We made it." She said laughing, I laughed a little to and than we both stood up. I began webbing onto the drones, making sure to stick a web onto how many I could, while Wanda, was moving them over to me with her powers. I was swinging between them as Wanda, gave me more to web onto, we were a pretty great team...not to brag.

I got to the last one and looked at her "JUMP!" She jumped off the drone and I did the same, hitting the spider symbol on my suit. An electric currant ran through the web's frying all the circuits in about two hundred drones. The illusion began to fall apart as we dropped through it.

I landed on a drone and so did she, As the illusion fell apart I could see Beck, standing in a glass bridge looking at us. I looked to Wanda and she flipped him off, causing me to chuckle. Gosh did I love that woman. I began webbing over to him and Wanda began to fly. But a drone flew into us and sent us flying towards the bridge.

I tried to web onto anything, but none of them were sticking and I was about to hit the ground. When I felt my body being wrapped in Wanda's power's which felt like a tight hug. I landed on top of a railing and it hurt like hell, but her powers did help, cushion the fall.

"Are you okay?" I heard her ask. I held my side and groaned in pain.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I lied. She helped me up and gave me sympathetic look. "I'm okay." I lied again, patting her shoulder. An explosion in this distance, pulled both our attentions.

"Happy! Are you okay?" Wanda exclaimed.

"We're okay. Just get Beck." He replied.

"Get Beck, I'll go save them." Wanda said and than began to run off, but I used one of my webs and pulled her back into me, her hands landing on my chest.

"No. You deal with Beck, I got them." I argued.

"Not gonna happen, Spidey. Be a hero, just leave some ass kicking to me." She smirked, raising my mask and kissing me. "I love you Peter."

"I love you to Wanda, be safe."

"I will." With that she flew her self into the air, blasting and dodging drones, left and right. I watched her for a bit than took in my own situation. A bunch of drones were circling the bridge now, where that asshole was hiding.

"Time to save the world again." I mumbled to myself.


I know it ended in a weird place, but I didn't want the whole fight in this chapter.

I hope that's okay <3

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